This project has always remained a joke.
When was it when they started to break ground!? Oh yeah back in December. Preschoolers could have worked faster with their plastic shovels.
About that delay in construction.....

I was at the site yesterday as they were installing the crane and overheard the foreman tell others about the slow progress. Apparently the building besides the site is a heritage site and it slowed them down about 4 months trying to work around it. Hence the delay....
One would hope that they'd be taking care regardless of whether the neighbouring building was heritage or not.
Trump crane...

Thx Cal, nice to see the crane on the tallest project underway in our city!

I have heard that the boom of the crane is /crazy/ close to the Scotiabank tower, only a matter of a few feet...
wow, it looks like they went with one of the cranes with a solid boom on it... I expected they would have opted for one of those ones with the pivoting boom for more manoeuvrability.
One would hope that they'd be taking care regardless of whether the neighbouring building was heritage or not.

Then again, who knows if unforeseen "issues" turned up along the way, whether structural or dealing with National Club complaints...
