A LOT of progress has been made since that photo was taken. They are now starting rebar supports for the first basement level, and are almost finished clearing the rest of the pit.
In that video, the rendering shows it taller than Scotia.

I thought the height had been scaled back.
It has. The true roofline dropped about 50 feet, although I think the top of the spire might reach the roofline of Scotia. Visually, it will appear around a dozen stories shorter.
Scotia roofline is at 902. The spire on Trump goes to 925 I believe, thusly its a bit taller, but will still appear shorter probably due to scotia's girth.
Wouldn't the height of Trump have more to do with making it look taller, than the girth of the shorter building next to it making Trump look shorter?

I suspect that Trump's spire will make it look taller because it will be taller.*


*assuming the heights are right - I'm not sure I believe them yet.
I agree with mckarisma... the real roofline height will be taller on Scotia and the fact that it doesnt taper at the top will likely make it appear taller than Trump. Maybe its just a subjective thing based on how much weight you give to spires...

You make a good point though, that there doesnt seem to be any final word on what the finished height will be for Trump. It's all been quite confusing since they revised the number of floors. Luckily we have this forum to watch the whole process from start to finish.

I think the much more interesting thing to look forward to is the insane density this is going to create!
Yeah, the real action is not the battle of rooflines, but at the street.
July 23

Photo taken from Bay St. looking east at the south foundation (right side of the picture).

Looking west towards Bay, they are working on the west foundation.

Looking northwest towards the Bay Adelaide corner.

Looking at the north end of the site, the ramp has been completely removed :) and they are drilling diagonally into the bedrock installing the large pipes.
