Thank you. I was wrong, the entrance is off Adelaide. This was posted by Ziggy last year at SSC:
Ziggy said:
From the international section:

I'm also struck by how much of the ground level street frontage is taken up by vehicle access. A ramp to the below-grade loading docks from Bay street, and access to the upper parking levels from Adelaide:



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Click on the images for the pdf file
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It wasn't really explained ... that material they're using to cover up the ground on the surface, is that common? I don't recall it at other sites. Wouldn't they just pour concrete?

Or is it just temporary until they're ready for that?

Are you talking about the stuff that looks like a bunch of black rectangles? That's the forms for pouring concrete.
I've always wondered if those forms are what was used for pouring the concrete on. But then I was confused... I thought, how do they take the forms off? I guess they don't stick to the concrete?
The forms are smooth so that they naturally don't stick that well, and then they're oiled immediately before the concrete is poured to further prevent adhesion. They take them off from underneath by lowering the scaffold so that they can pull the planks off
thx for today's update, current, you are da man....:)

wow, trump above grade...who would have thought???????
in those plans posted above, where's the turntable for deliveries? isn't that on the ground floor?
The turntable is one floor below the pick-up/drop-off area, and is accessed from the ramp leading off Bay Street.

My office is in Scotia Plaza directly overlooking the site. I'll post some pictures (in a year or so!) once the tower gets high enough. The current bird's-eye view, although interesting, is somewhat lacking in that there is a loss of the third dimension and you can't discern the depth of the structural and construction elements.

I read in the paper this weekend that there had been some rumours that this tower would be delayed. A spokesman on behalf of Talon was quoted as saying there would be no delay, given that it is 75% sold. Does anyone have any information on this subject? In March 2007 it was announced that the lead bank in the $310 million financing is Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG. Many European banks have been savaged in the current financial crisis and some are paring pack lending or increasing pricing to address their own costs of funds. This is not to suggest that this is the case for this tower, but financing issues have affected other construction projects. In any event, it would be a shame if it were delayed, as no one wants to see a repeat of the Bay Adelaide stump.
National Post article:

Excerpt from article:

Meanwhile, everyone who walks by the Trump Tower, at Bay and Adelaide streets, stops and stares at the project, and asks the workers whether there is truth to rumours that the project is dead. But workers are busy pouring cement. Howard Tikka, director of marketing, called from Phoenix to insist that, “we’re moving along.

There’s still 25% of the building left to sell. While other people have been struggling, we’re full speed ahead.†[Unquote]
I don't think there's any substance to these "delayed" rumours whatsoever. They seem to be arbitrarily based on the fact that the economy isn't doing well, while the people who actually know something about the project (purchasers, developers, etc), keep telling us it IS going forward.

Until we actually hear a shred of evidence otherwise, I would also suggest people stop with these nonsensical rumours.
I think once it's clearly above ground level a lot of rumors will stop.

The majority of the rumors have concentrated around the project being capped off at ground level.

Still waiting but we should be able to rule that out very very soon.
LOL, ain't it the truth....they will be working on the 59th floor, and some newbie will be reporting rumours that the tower is cancelled....:rolleyes:

Hehehe ... well at least he posted an article with link to support his concern compared to alot of the stuff we hear.

I think once it's clearly above ground level a lot of rumors will stop.

The majority of the rumors have concentrated around the project being capped off at ground level.

Still waiting but we should be able to rule that out very very soon.

It's tough to say ... another stump like BA could be a possibility here since TTT has above ground parking for revenue if there were to be a halt.
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