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Thanks for the awesome cladding updates!^^^

I can already picture the awesome streetwall adelaide is gonna have!

Great progress on cladding! (we have a corner now!)
New video update from Trump.

Great update, thanks! The solid stone of Trump contrasts nicely with the transparency of Bay Adelaide across the street.
If you look closely at the concrete on the north side of the tower you can see that they started the curve that will go the entire way up the tower when the granite stops.
It looks like Red Mars and I crossed paths today, but I'll throw up my contribution anyway

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Look at the 15th flr north el. the entire north face has a slight curve...see how the slab edge is slightly proud of the face of columns in the middle then back to flush at the ends? Just one of the many changes I have to deal with.
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