epic shot of the toronto skyline ^^^ jeez does it seem like trump is taking forever to rise up into your view. there's still a ways to go before top off...
epic shot of the toronto skyline ^^^ jeez does it seem like trump is taking forever to rise up into your view. there's still a ways to go before top off...

Yeah, another year almost exactly. At least they're cladding it simultaneously.
What's going on everyone?
I'm new here on UT, have been following along for a while now and this might excite you all a little bit..

I actually work at Trump.
Welcome U&DtT! We will expect lots of insider info (and pics!).....:D
As a construction worker? Cool. If I may ask, what do you typically do there?

Oh, and welcome to UT!
Brilliant photos/views! wow. i'm hoping this building will draw in a lot of people from in/around the city. from the restaurant to the spa... it really is a mixed use building. and those ceiling heights are spectacular! will there be single piece glass covering those floors? if you ask me, the south view is the most unique.
