I can't see how they can build anything of a decent size on those two small lots without the parking lot included. 200+ parking spaces will mean 4-6 levels of underground garage on such a small site given setbacks and garage access will be problematice given its location. I'd love to see the design proposal.
I can't see how they can build anything of a decent size on those two small lots without the parking lot included. 200+ parking spaces will mean 4-6 levels of underground garage on such a small site given setbacks and garage access will be problematice given its location. I'd love to see the design proposal.

the site is huge by urban development standards (almost 20,000 sf, 125 x 150), so not sure what u r talking about re: it being too small.
Very nice. Great to see a revival of their "Peanut" design articulation. Those sweet curves will surely define a rhythmic profile. Only weakness is I think a brick podium would be better to establish a connection with the surrounding historical buildings.
He's added his link now
I don't think they'd get the height they are desiring, but they will definitely get something. Let's hope this can withstand the substantial slow down in the market.
So, by that render...the parking lot to the north is part of the design...I thought it was not part of the proposal?
This is going to have shadowing issues because of the school's playground to the immediate north, but I don't mind the building itself. Some warmer materials in the podium would be an improvement tho, and maybe a little more articulation of the podium's facade. If it's 70 and 72 Carlton plus the parking lot that's a pretty substantial piece of land, and they should be able to go a bit higher.

I'm also curious about a north side detail. Wood currently has an attractive set of stacked townhouses (TCHC, I believe, but they're still nicely done), I would hope that loading/services are relegated to the alleyway and that Wood is given live/work units to continue the fine grain residential uses along there.
So, counting floors on the image, this actually is a 37 story tower (plus one mechanical floor) on top of a 7 story podium, for 44 storys in total, 45 storys if you count the mechanical.

I wish that the City would be consistent in how they count the number of storys, sometimes "a 30 story tower on top of a 6 story podium" means 36 total storys, and sometimes it means only 30 total storys.

Glad to see the "peanut" is back!
