I meant to post this. This was taken the day after my previous photo. They moved dirt around, and dug a trench from Richmond. I'm assuming for utilities for the sales centre. I haven't seen any work on the area this week at all however.

They're taking aerial images today.


Does anyone know if the entire parking lot will close when sales start? I kind of hope so. I hate the people who park there on Friday and Saturday nights.
I'm looking forward to this one. Two tones of concrete arranged not to be overbearing meshed in nicely with the glass podium, a nice addition of random balcony placements, and a tower with varying widths. Nice. The fact that the rendering focuses on the ground view is always a good sign.
The rendering in today's (Friday) G & M Real Estate section looked pretty impressive. Hope this one flies.

that's a rather absurd looking image--especially as that particular stretch of Richmond is extraordinarily banal. (except on the weekend, when the banal is swapped out for the insufferable, and it becomes a human sea of loutish 905er's.)

i know that condo developers have been reaching new heights of photoshop kitsch in the last while, but this one is particularly stupid looking.
I'm going to try to look at it through a DIFFERENT lens than thedeepend's miserable, negative and pessimistic attitude, and suggest that it's a very unique and different ad campaign from what we've mostly seen for condos in this city. It's cool.
