New render:

AMAZINGLY WICKED new render! ^^^
Anyone know why lightning is a re-occuring theme in their renders!?. lightning isn't even related to the name "studio on richmond".
I'm curious to see how the coloured roofs play out on the skyline. i hope they stand out a bit :)
Nonetheless, i'm glad they included the Ritz/Festival tower in the render.
It looks to me like they're pursuing a younger age demographic than other condo marketing typically does: 25-40, hip, trendy, urbane - and wanting an edgy, totally urban and downtown lifestyle.

The lightning really dramatizes the skyline and heightens the visual style the marketers are trying to achieve - which in turn likely solidifies it appeal to its intended audience.

When compared to the marketing and renders for other buildings in its immediate area as well as downtown (eg Cinema, Pinnacle on Adelaide, etc) I'd argue that it's probably going to be highly effective at locking onto its targets and bring them in spades.

If successful, look for other projects to emulate it.
It looks to me like they're pursuing a younger age demographic

Or perhaps the scattered, would-be followers of Dr. Frankenstien. Apparently this tower is close to an abundant supply of lightning strikes which come in handy for all those nocturnal experiments on the undead.
It looks to me like they're pursuing a younger age demographic than other condo marketing typically does: 25-40, hip, trendy, urbane - and wanting an edgy, totally urban and downtown lifestyle.

I don’t know that lightning has all that much to do with “downtownâ€, “edgyâ€, “urban†etc. As far as I know they have lightning in the suburbs too.


When compared to the marketing and renders for other buildings in its immediate area as well as downtown (eg Cinema, Pinnacle on Adelaide, etc) I'd argue that it's probably going to be highly effective at locking onto its targets and bring them in spades.

If successful, look for other projects to emulate it.

I think you’re right here. If they play the ‘severe weather card' and it works, other developers will eagerly follow their lead, and as with every 'marketing craze', the stakes will get higher and higher as each tries to outdo the other.

In any case, i am eagerly looking forward to a whole new wave of 'edgy' campaigns!




I find thedeepend's mini-rants pretty funny too. Tellingly, however, he doesn't actually dispute the core assertion of my post:

It looks to me like they're pursuing a younger age demographic than other condo marketing typically does: 25-40, hip, trendy, urbane - and wanting an edgy, totally urban and downtown lifestyle.

The lightning really dramatizes the skyline and heightens the visual style the marketers are trying to achieve - which in turn likely solidifies it appeal to its intended audience.

Which of course is just another way of saying:




Anyway, this isn't the first time that thedeepend just hasn't gotten a project's marketing campaign.

And the thing about appealing to specific target audiences is that what clicks really well for one may not work at all for those outside of it -- or even have the opposite effect.

Which might help explain why thedeepend was in at home on a Saturday night. ;)
Who cares? Most of these units will sell to Asian investors to be rented out by younger professionals and perhaps some university students, including some Asian OCAD students no doubt.

Just hope it sells so I get to once or twice a year (about all the time I can tolerate to be in the area) stare at some attractive highrises in the area.
I attended a couple of community meetings that related to the development evolution of Studio. A few residents living in University Plaza complained about blocked views, proximity and excessive density. I couldn't help thinking about how all these new projects would actually benefit the area by obscuring their building.

what's to get? the campaign for CrystalBLAH was based on a falsehood.

Which might help explain why thedeepend was in at home on a Saturday night. ;)

hey, i'm self-employed--every night is Saturday night for me.
i suppose you were down on Richmond St doing shooters until 2 am? i hope you didn't miss the GO Bus. anyway, I assume the party was off tha heezy fo sheezy, dawg, you feelin' me?

Lol, um ok, let me get this straight ..... I was out doing shooters til 2 am, vomiting on the curb enroute to a catch a GO bus which I missed, rapping like Lil Wayne -- and then up posting at 10 am?

Oooh, behold me cowering at the onslaught of thedeepend's mildly racist poopy-pants tirade:


Is this really a debate?

Lightning is used in marketing all the time. Lightning implies that whatever is being marketed is awe-inspiring, edgy, dynamic, electric and bold. Pop culture uses lightning bolts to imply these traits everywhere; from here:


to here:


to here:


to here:


to here:


to here:


Now, this kind of marketing may not appeal to you, but if you don't at least understand how and why some do find it appealing, you may be a little more out of touch than you realize.
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