
Do we have any rednerings floating around for this profect? And now that these towers have been revised and reduced in height doe this mean it's been approved? I tried that link but the info has been removed.
Do we have any rednerings floating around for this profect? And now that these towers have been revised and reduced in height doe this mean it's been approved? I tried that link but the info has been removed.

the original 39+18s concept is shown on post #85

rendering for the podium of the revised 2x 47s concept is shown on post #93

I couldn't find any drawings for the latest 31+41s proposal though~

Unfortunately, I was not able to read the report - the site was "temporarily unavailable" but any particular reason on the height decrease? Is it NIMBYism? While I like the number of projects on the go in this city, I am not too impressed with the height of many of the towers in the core - I wish they were taller...oh the over-use of grey sucks too. :(
The decrease in height is likely a compromise between planners and developer. I wouldn't call that NIMBYism.
The decrease in height is likely a compromise between planners and developer. I wouldn't call that NIMBYism.

I guess... just makes me think if there is anywhere anymore in this city of Toronto where these tunnel vision city planners will ever recommend a 300m plus tower get built without re-designing or chopping it...
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^ Automation: you jump to conclussions rather quickly as to the rationale for many of the decisions that occur throughout the development process. Secondly it isn't the 'role' of city planners to recommend 300m plus towers.
While Toronto can support such tall buildings now ... if you stop and think about it, other then the most dense cities in the World, generally tall buildings lead to bad things ... very bad things ...

Usually most have a shitty street presence - they typically aren't surrounded by much i.e. you rarely see a street wall with such large buildings.

Worst of all they typically eliminate the chance of any future street wall forming ... yes there's in fill but typically this doesn't happen.

Last but not least tall towers => less dense surroundings - no matter how it's built the demand for office space isn't driven by the size buildings - so in another words, 1 100 story building would replace 10 10 story buildings (with the same floor plate), so we talk a lot about 'tower's in the park' - you get something similar, but no park surrounding it.
I guess... just makes me think if there is anywhere anymore in this city of Toronto where these tunnel vision city planners will ever recommend a 300m plus tower get built without re-designing or chopping it...

I'm sure there are more than a few sites that could support 300 metre towers. Toronto planners and council have proven time and time again to be very pro-height. Just look at all the towers popping up everywhere with many being the tallest in the respective neighbourhoods. No offense, but your vision of building tall for the sake of building tall with little regard of their impact to their surroundings is the epitomy of tunnel vision.
I'm sure there are more than a few sites that could support 300 metre towers. Toronto planners and council have proven time and time again to be very pro-height. Just look at all the towers popping up everywhere with many being the tallest in the respective neighbourhoods. No offense, but your vision of building tall for the sake of building tall with little regard of their impact to their surroundings is the epitomy of tunnel vision.

I agree. Has anyone seen the Tall Building Design Guidelines for the downtown? I'm not sure if it has been put through the full approvals process yet, but it lays out ranges for appropriate building heights for the CBD, surrounding areas including the entertainment district and the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood, the Yonge-Bloor area and everything in beetween. The area bound by Yonge, Front, University, and Richmond (CBD) is proposed to contain NO height limit what-so-ever, and I think we've all seen the angular plane diagram for the Entertainment District which shows what appropriate heights for that area would look like. Automation, to state that City Planners suffer from tunnel vision with respect to building height is absolutely absurd. We've seen an absolutely unprecedented influx of high-rise buildings in this City in the last several years. I don't work for the City, and I don't agree with everything that they do, but I will stand by them on this.
The report says the proposal consists of two towers of 41 storeys (west tower) and 31 storeys (east tower) atop a podium
ranging from 5 storeys on Nelson Street to 8 storeys on Richmond Street West.

Sounds like the towers will be 41 + 5 and 31 + 8. does anyone know the combined height for each building?
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