Actually, I'm sort of growing to like it. The building--compared to other downtown condos--has decent retail shops and the big Timmies is sort of appealing. It reminds me of an old tenement building; with time, it might grow into the fabric of the city. One of my best friends in Toronto lives nearby....(on the street.)

Yeah, parts of it are crap: the beige'n black colour scheme (could surely be repainted in the future?), the cheesy metal railings (replaced in the future?)
The colour scheme bothers me the most. Horrible colours that in tandem make it look very top heavy. A lighter colour for the stucco accent would have probably looked a little better with the pinkish brick facade.
Thanks for your honest responses.

And I do look at it everyday because I live there. And I personally love the look and architecture of the building.

It's a hell of a lot better than the endless green glassed, sheet metal type of cloned high rises that seem to be showing up on every street corner in this city. Those look like they got pulled of an 80's movie and will look dated over time.

I'd take the originality and old colour scheme of University Plaza anyday over the others. At least it suits the area of Queen West and its heritage without standing out like a sore thumb.

And this new development next to it. 39 stories? Thanks but no. There's a reason height restrictions exist in this area of the downtown core and it's to prevent these types of monstrous condos from ruining the look and feel of the Queen West area.
Originality of University Plaza? Huh?

I think it's original in comparison to the other designs of the same old glass condos popping up in the city right now. You don't have to agree. I don't mean original as in 'groundbreaking'. Just different and suitable to the area.
I admit this is the least flattering view of the structure but it illustrates its shortcomings beautifully.


The colour scheme is bizarre and it is a bit top heavy. I'm sure it is a good place to live and it is different then the green-glass creeping into other corners. It is not a beautiful building in my book but it will fit into the urban fabric well once this area is redeveloped.
it will fit into the urban fabric well once this area is redeveloped.

This what I mean. It suits the area. Though I can't understand all the issues with it. I've read them all and I really don't get it. I guess it's a matter of personal taste.
I think it's original in comparison to the other designs of the same old glass condos popping up in the city right now. You don't have to agree. I don't mean original as in 'groundbreaking'. Just different and suitable to the area.

If "originality" was solely based on the the type of construction material used, there wouldn't be very many original architectural designs. I don't understand how it makes University Plaza original either, as there are dozens of equally nasty buildings throughout the city using pretty much the exact same type of materials.
If "originality" was solely based on the the type of construction material used, there wouldn't be very many original architectural designs. I don't understand how it makes University Plaza original either, as there are dozens of equally nasty buildings throughout the city using pretty much the exact same type of materials.

You're entitled to your opinion the design and so forth, but while to you this is just another nasty building, to me, this is my home. It goes a little bit beyond the design aspect. And I would never call someone else's home "nasty".
You're entitled to your opinion the design and so forth, but while to you this is just another nasty building, to me, this is my home. It goes a little bit beyond the design aspect. And I would never call someone else's home "nasty".

A lot of people here take themselves a little too seriously... I wouldn't pay too much attention to them. Bear in mind this isn't a forum populated by architects or anything like that... just a bunch of random unimportant people who happen to own a computer.

Personally I think the building looks very unique.
I don't quite understand the hate-on for University Plaza either. Sure, it's no work of art, but there's an endless supply of buildings much uglier. It may be boring, dull, or bland... but hideous?


You want hideous? How about this... it's like friggin' Pyongyang.

