Shouldn't the thread title state 80s+79s, 264m? (according to the architectural plans from Dec 29, 2016; I couldn't find more recent ones)
Nope. These have been dropped to 64 and 70 storeys.



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If they're just shoring the ground for now. Do you think they'll draw up a new rendering of the proposed towers because I loved the previous one. This one looks cheap !
Yes, there will be a full set of renderings once they're ready to market the first residential phase. I'm not so sure you ca count upon the last renderings to be a final version yet.

How Menkes can go 10 steps backwards from 1 York and Harbour Plaza, to the Waterfront "Innovation" Centre and now this is really beyond me.

You do realise that Harbour Plaza and this are essentially the same building with a differing balcony application that was designed by exactly the same architectural firm?
No - no I didn't.

Thanks for enlightening me. What would I do without you?
If this is a sign of things to come then Sugar Wharf should be renamed 'Nutrasweet Wharf'. After all the hard work put in by Waterfront Toronto and city planning to salvage its waterfront, to lay out infrastructure and sew new neighbourhoods together, Toronto once again is taken to the cleaners by creatively bankrupt architects and developers. The table was set and partially funded by taxpayers hoping a banquet of iconic architecture would greet its lakeside vista. Instead Menkes and AA serve up a menu of 'seen it all before', Chicken McNuggets, wilted fries and flat orange syrup. While Menkes and AA save the fine china and silverware for themselves the rest of you can eat on paper plates with plastic forks and knives. Thanks for coming out Menkes.
