I think they were talking about the durability of the balconies. - To become a more sustainable building.

This isn't what they meant. Buildup was correct.

They want a design that is better-resolved. A better idea/concept for the towers specifically, it seems. This could even mean how they are resolved at the skyline level, or an entirely different design.
my 2 cents is that the towers are incredibly unoriginal for being so tall and will stand out like a sore thumb. I hope they either decrease the height a lot or give a redesign that doesn't resemble city place or maple leaf square or ice condos. if every building in the southcore ends up looking cheap and rushed with a similar green window design we will regret it forever, and the view from the island will have been ruined rather than improved.
my 2 cents is that the towers are incredibly unoriginal for being so tall and will stand out like a sore thumb. I hope they either decrease the height a lot or give a redesign that doesn't resemble city place or maple leaf square or ice condos. if every building in the southcore ends up looking cheap and rushed with a similar green window design we will regret it forever, and the view from the island will have been ruined rather than improved.

What’s wrong with the future picture postcard of Toronto having most buildings looking uniformly totalitarianistic??... What I'm saying is that if all the buildings are special... like the CN Tower doesn't that lead to none of the buildings being all that special??
What’s wrong with the future picture postcard of Toronto having most buildings looking uniformly totalitarianistic??... What I'm saying is that if all the buildings are special... like the CN Tower doesn't that lead to none of the buildings being all that special??

I noticed that problem along the Chicago River... too much diversity of architecture!
aA leaAst aA could haAve aAdded some distinctive element to set this thing aApart from its neighbours. Southcore kindaA sucks. aA's aAesthetic has gotten WaAY outtaA haAnd in this city.
Southcore will kind of be like the University Avenue of the 2010s in that it'll be full of tall(ish) but nondescript office buildings.
