It always feels like Toronto is starved for curves. Now it's starting to feel starved for some proper brick or masonry.
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Southcore will kind of be like the University Avenue of the 2010s in that it'll be full of tall(ish) but nondescript office buildings.

You are being quite generous. The well deserved criticism of this box could fill pages on this forum, and many others.
Telus House turned out alright, but it would look a lot less good if it were cloned.

Can we scrap the entire designs so far and get a new architect(s)?
Can we scrap the entire designs so far and get a new architect(s)?

Hahaha i this town it seems like the same bunch for every second project, but then again many folks here on UT would be up in arms if too many foreign architects and developers invaded Toronto....maybe thats what we need to get us out of "The Box"
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Well, chances are the proponents of these projects are extremely risk adverse and wouldn't want to pay for good foreign architects, much less designs that wouldn't/couldn't be value-engineered to death. Talk to the bankers and retirement fund CEOs instead.

The tower looks pretty good, the podium looks awful though.
It always feels like Toronto is starved for curves. Now it's starting to feel starved for some proper brick or masonry.

Starting to feel starved of it? We've been starved of it for the better part of a decade now.
Glass, glass everywhere. The city is turning into a fun house's hall of mirrors.
I seriously believe that Toronto needs a good shot of foreign architect design. Check out Pentominium in Seoul. Similar in shape to these towers but more imaginative. Aa with a twist. Toronto's skyline is already peppered with twin tower projects that are similar in style, cladding, shape and colour. Do we really need another copy of MLS and Telus? Why aren't we getting something outside the box for our skyline. We deserve something iconic here like Absolute World or 8 Spruce, heck even E condo and Picasso are better than this. This is fine as an infill project, but I think it severely lacks for our waterfront.
I may be in the minority here, but I like this tower. Very clean and I love vertical lines as opposed to horizontal. I am a sucker for Mies and international style modern architecture!! These towers age very well.
Mississauga gets Absolute. North York get Emerald. We get THIS?? I can normally find some good in most projects, but this is pretty soul-destroying! aA did a nice job of Ice, so why take such a bland step backwards with this? :(
Mississauga gets Absolute. North York get Emerald. We get THIS?? I can normally find some good in most projects, but this is pretty soul-destroying! aA did a nice job of Ice, so why take such a bland step backwards with this? :(

Have we even seen a rendering from Menkes/aA of the final product:confused:
It's interesting thay city hall can force changes to 88 Scott and Aura, but 1 York and Bay Adelaide are OK???
The current BA design looks very different from the initial multi-tower proposal, plus it was approved before the DRP. Besides, what are the specific reasons for not approving 1 York?

It's interesting thay city hall can force changes to 88 Scott and Aura, but 1 York and Bay Adelaide are OK???

The first two are residential and the others are office (DRP suggested significant chances to the two residential towers of 1 York). I think the city would let office space take a much easier ride.
