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May 26, 2016 Gardiner Expressway Ramp Reconstruction & Improvements to Harbour Street between Lower Simcoe Street and Bay Street

Contract # # 16ECS-TI-06BE.
Expected Start Date: Mid-July, 2016
Expected End Date: January, 2018

Content/dates subject to change. More details will be provided in a future notice
This summer, the City of Toronto will begin preparatory work for the construction of a new off-ramp from the eastbound Gardiner Expressway to Lower Simcoe Street. The existing off-ramp to York, Bay and Yonge Streets will be demolished in 2017 followed by construction of the new off-ramp to Lower Simcoe Street and improvements to Harbour Street between Lower Simcoe and Bay Streets

This project is part of the Council-approved 2016 Capital Works Program.

This project involves demolishing the existing York-Bay-Yonge off-ramp from the eastbound Gardiner Expressway and building a new, shorter and wider off-ramp that ends at Lower Simcoe Street. The new off-ramp will feed into a wider Harbour Street, with improvements to streetscaping. The work will occur in two phases, with a winter shut-down between.

Phase 1: Mid-July 2016 to December 2016 - involves constructing part of the foundations and substructure of the new ramp at Lower Simcoe. Work will take place under the existing ramp with no long-term closures of the Gardiner Expressway or Lake Shore Blvd. Temporary lane closures during off-peak hours on eastbound Lake Shore Blvd. will be required.

Phase 2: Mid-April 2017 to December 2017 - involves completing the foundations and substructure of the new ramp, demolishing the existing York-Bay-Yonge ramp and widening Harbour Street. During Phase 2, lanes on the Gardiner Expressway around the York-Bay-Yonge ramp and Harbour Street will be reduced.

Restoration of the York Street Park will take place in May 2018
Pre-Construction Notice
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Work Hours: Work will take place from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm., Monday to Friday, with work after hours and on weekends as required and in accordance with applicable City of Toronto By-Laws.
Extended work hours help to minimize traffic disruption and congestion and shorten the project duration.

Further details about work hours will be provided in the Construction Notice.
Traffic Management: Efforts have been made to manage traffic in the area for the safety of workers, road users and residents. These efforts include revising traffic signal times. Road users should expect delays and increased traffic on nearby main and side streets.

 The Martin Goodman Trail will be closed from Rees Street to Lower Simcoe Street for the duration of construction. Pedestrians and cyclists will be detoured around the work area via Queens Quay Blvd. Cycling detour information will be provided in the Construction Notice.

 Temporary closures of the eastbound curb lane of Lake Shore Blvd. will be required from mid-July 2016 to the end of 2016.

 Details about road closures and lane restrictions during Phase 2 work will be provided in a future Construction Notice.

 Work crews will mark sidewalks and curbs to locate underground utilities, such as gas, water and cable.

 A Construction Notice will be delivered to affected properties approximately 2 weeks before work begins with an exact start date and details about the work.

 To sign-up to get email updates, contact Josie Franch at

Road and Sidewalk Access: In order to complete the work in a safe manner, there will be road and sidewalk restrictions within the construction work area.

Driveway Access: The contractor will notify you of any temporary restrictions to your driveway access. If your property has two entrances, one entrance will be kept open at all times. Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times.

Laneways: Laneways and driveways that serve businesses in the area will remain accessible for deliveries or service.

Accommodation: Residents that require accommodation must contact the project manager to arrange for access during construction. MORE INFORMATION:

If you have questions about the upcoming work, please contact us.
Project Manager
Jim Schaffner, 416-392-8598
TTY Hearing Impaired Service
416-338-0889 (Daily 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, closed holidays)
General inquiries

Thank you for your patience. Building a great city takes time. Better infrastructure for all of us is worth the wait.

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Not even topped off they already outshine all other buildings nearby —and I love Ïce, like in an unnatural way, let's move on—but even Ïce looks like it will pale in comparison to these when they are done.

