So it just occurred to me that this proposal does not incorporate the stonework they painstakingly removed from the south facade of the old Ontario Workmen’s Compensation Board Building. What, did they just sell the stone?




And also, what of the Banksy they saved?

from today



  • 90-Harbour-Street-July-1-2011-IMG_1309.jpg
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  • urbantoronto-3165-9297.jpg
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Application: Designated Structures Status: Not Started

Location: 40 BAY ST

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 13 174086 DST 00 DS Accepted Date: May 24, 2013

Project: Multiple Use/Non Residential Pedestrian Bridge

Description: ERECT "SECTION E" PORTION OF BRIDGES BETWEEN 85 HARBOUR ST., 90 HARBOUR ST. & 40 BAY ST. (REFER TO APPLICATIONS A, B, C & D). See related 11 229339 PSP and 11 178960 STE.
^ Can't wait for those off-ramps to disappear from this picture.

Me too... For aesthetic and practical reasons. I try to get out of 33 bay onto Harbour and people come flying off the Yonge ramp , across two lanes in a short distance to get in the lane that goes up to Yonge.
I'm hoping the ramp removal will rationalize traffic on the street a bit... And provide a wide sidewalk on the south side.
I'm hoping the ramp removal will rationalize traffic on the street a bit... And provide a wide sidewalk on the south side.

That's precisely what I was thinking when I walked down there last week. It's a golden opportunity to build a generously wide pedestrian friendly sidewalk on the south side. It needs to be wide enough for benches, trees, public art, etc.

Approval for the Imagination, Manufacturing, Innovation, Technology (IMIT) Financial Incentive Program - 1 York Street
Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:

1. City Council approve the Imagination, Manufacturing, Innovation and Technology Program application submitted by 1 York Street Inc. for a new office development at 1 York Street.

2. City Council authorize the General Manager of Economic Development and Culture to negotiate and execute a Financial Incentive Agreement in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.

This report recommends approval of an application to the Imagination, Manufacturing, Innovation and Technology (IMIT) Financial Incentive Program submitted by 1 York Street Inc. (Menkes Developments Ltd. and HOOPP Realty Inc.) for a new office building to be constructed at 1 York Street. Council approval is required for IMIT projects with a construction value greater than $150 million. This project has an estimated construction value of $230 million, and meets all eligibility criteria of the IMIT program.
They are one step closer to coming down with the completion of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.

I just took a quick look at your link. They say Harbour Street will be increased to four lanes from Lower Simcoe to Bay... Ugh... I guess that means no wide sidewalk on the south side between York and Bay? (The strip that is now the Yonge off ramp).
I just took a quick look at your link. They say Harbour Street will be increased to four lanes from Lower Simcoe to Bay... Ugh... I guess that means no wide sidewalk on the south side between York and Bay? (The strip that is now the Yonge off ramp).
Why would you think there would be no sidewalk?

They have drawings of the proposed new intersections here:

Don't worry, there are sidewalks. It gets a little cramped west of Lower Simcoe while it has to share space with the descending ramp, but after that, it seems plenty wide enough.
To me, the removal of those ramps is potentially more exciting than the construction of the One York complex. For visual appeal and on-ground traffic, it is going to make such a difference to have those two separate parts of the ramp taken down from over York Street - and from blocking off Harbour.
I think this happening will set a good example, and warm people to the advantages of bringing the Gardiner to grade past Jarvis.
I remember when the Gardiner went out to Leslie. It really contributed to the depressed feel of the area. After it came down, the difference was practically night and day. The area felt brand new, free and enjoyable for the first time in decades.
I think this happening will set a good example, and warm people to the advantages of bringing the Gardiner to grade past Jarvis.
I remember when the Gardiner went out to Leslie. It really contributed to the depressed feel of the area. After it came down, the difference was practically night and day. The area felt brand new, free and enjoyable for the first time in decades.

Technically it wouldn't be "brought to grade", would it? It would be gone and lakeshore (with multiple traffic lights) would be all that's left, which is fine with me but all the mindless commuters from the boonies would probably have a stroke. I say do it though, they pretty much elected and supported Ford purely out of spite towards downtowners, we should have the chance to spite them by making their commute even worse.
