Noticed this too. Seems quite odd given that the fencing was promotional (for Aqualuna), don't see why they'd want to remove it unless necessary for construction, but on the other hand I don't believe construction is starting either.
This has changed a bit since the February SPA. Hines has supplied us with a whole bunch of new renderings, including some gorgeous views of exposed timber interiors:




A whole bunch more in the project Database file!
Great. Did they provide any timeline for construction?
All I can say at this point is construction is happening very soon. Stay tuned ;)
That's fairly surprising they are building on spec given the market conditions:

It's behind a paywall but the summary is sublease space is increasing quickly. So vacancy rates still look good at the moment but this is always a first sign that trends are going to change.

With that said, "new builds" are always attractive to tenants looking to consolidate so that may make this fairly small build sensible ...
These sort of spec builds still work early on in a market correction (not saying that will happen at all but it may) but eventually sub-lease space in very attractive areas (e.g. right downtown) starts to drop in price making it hard for firms to pass on that.
UT article summarizing today's groundbreaking announcement:

Spec sounds good. It expesses confident and confidence is the number one marketing strategy in the city. Doubt they are building without any contingencies. I don't care too much. Just happy to see these lots filled with buildings
