I have a little suggestion for Hines. Why not lease a floor or two to Sonder for a hotel?! UPX is 5 minutes walk and it is getting busy! Also, how about a floor for temporary exhibit space for MOCA? Finally, the Pia Bouman School has been bounced around recently and deserves a permanent home. Half a floor should do.
How lovely! I can prance about pretending to give a shit about fiddleheads whilst gleefully swigging back a Pearson Express!

Ummm, LOL..........

Fiddleheads are only available fresh for about 4 weeks in the spring.

So I don't expect this market will have any in the next several months.

You may need to fake caring about some other product that's available. I dunno, maybe root vegetables. LOL
Ummm, LOL..........

Fiddleheads are only available fresh for about 4 weeks in the spring.

So I don't expect this market will have any in the next several months.

You may need to fake caring about some other product that's available. I dunno, maybe root vegetables. LOL
Of course you had to go ahead and ruin my joke with pesky FACTS! 😆
I have a little suggestion for Hines. Why not lease a floor or two to Sonder for a hotel?! UPX is 5 minutes walk and it is getting busy! Also, how about a floor for temporary exhibit space for MOCA? Finally, the Pia Bouman School has been bounced around recently and deserves a permanent home. Half a floor should do.
Is it the same for timber as it is for concrete and steel when it comes to cutting holes and patching them as tenants requirements change? A hotel would require a lot of plumbing modifications. A school probably can't afford the premium rents.
Is it the same for timber as it is for concrete and steel when it comes to cutting holes and patching them as tenants requirements change? A hotel would require a lot of plumbing modifications. A school probably can't afford the premium rents.
You are most likely right as it was just a way of saying the range of tenants has and should be expanded beyond pure commercial. I do know that many of the financial towers downtown put staircases between floors for tenants with multiple floors so maybe with a wood superstructure it is doable. And a dance studio may be pushing it financially but I feel for the Pia Bouman School as it has been bounced around over the years and it is an important west end institution.

Btw I wonder if anyone knows about retail and tenants for these two buildings? I know that it would never work but I would like to see a dance club open temporarily here. The dimensions would work and God knows that they can pay the rent. Anyone have Charles Khabouth’s number?
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Maybe someone should ship up a crate of fiddleheads to Mr. Towered from Argentina or something... 😼
