I will reserve judgement on these AT LEAST until some proper rendering with colour is posted, but so far they don't look that interesting, I will try to remain optimistic.
That clip was awesome! hahaha So awesome in fact Ive dubbed it awesome clip of the week on my facebook! Seriously though, I will agree with urbandreamer that 3018 Yonge is perfect for that area, and will work well with existing midrises.
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I was expecting an early 50's well dressed and well spoken gentleman, pontificating on design aesthetic only realized by one master "Mies"... Who did I get? ... Someone who sounded more at home as an extra on The Big Bang Theory; in a scene at ComicCon asking Levar Burton why his character in episode 186 of STNG, pressed a button clearly used as Warp Core Ejection in a previous episode, this time to lower the blast doors.


I was expecting an early 50's well dressed and well spoken gentleman, pontificating on design aesthetic only realized by one master "Mies"... Who did I get? ... Someone who sounded more at home as an extra on The Big Bang Theory; in a scene at ComicCon asking Levar Burton why his character in episode 186 of STNG, pressed a button clearly used as Warp Core Ejection in a previous episode, this time to lower the blast doors.


lol ... too funny

Dr. Sheldon Cooper with long hair ?!?
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Some glass boxes are better than others. Some cardboard boxes are better than others too!

I believe I once lived in a glass box...and as a kid, I certainly loved hanging out in cardboard boxes!

Do you live in a precast concrete and stucco clad box?

My house

vs your house:


My god just how dense are you? Nobody here is suggesting that a stucco clad monstrosity would be preferable. Its not the glass that we're in disagreement with, its the structures generic form. Our disappointment lies with the massing i.e. the overbearing podium and the two uninspiring boxes placed above it. Elevation drawings can be misleading, but here they strongly suggest that this will be yet another clichéd glass box. Its a form that many of us believe has reached a saturation point in this city, hence our dissatisfaction.

I was expecting an early 50's well dressed and well spoken gentleman

That's the just about the last thing I'd expect going by his snide commentary.
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I was expecting an early 50's well dressed and well spoken gentleman, pontificating on design aesthetic only realized by one master "Mies"... Who did I get? ... Someone who sounded more at home as an extra on The Big Bang Theory; in a scene at ComicCon asking Levar Burton why his character in episode 186 of STNG, pressed a button clearly used as Warp Core Ejection in a previous episode, this time to lower the blast doors.


I have no idea who or what you're talking about! But I'm willing to bet you're the type that peppers all your conversation with pop culture/tv/movie references... yawn.

thx mckarisma for lov'n it...hopefully in future episodes I'm better prepared and have "my act together." :)
A couple of things jump out as I read the report.

Nice to see some 3 bedrooms in both towers, but should there be more?

Bikes out number cars finally and having a whole floor them, which will be nice.

As for the numbers of cars, that great as, we are getting below the 40% range finally. Considering where it is located this should not only happen here but along the whole subway line as well within a block of it on both side of the street.

I have said for years, if you want to do something about traffic, it starts where people live and work. If there is only one space for your unit/house, you be show up with one car on moving day, not the 2-4 cars that can be found today. If you are on a rapid transit line or good transit service line, you need to lower the requirement down to 50% or less. This is a great step forward for reducing traffic.

One thing I don't see is car sharing. I have seen in some places and it works. This needs to be added.

From the design shown so far, a downer with no class and another miss opportunity to come up with some better for this street in this area. Cookie cutter??

.... It was redesigned and was this close from becoming a supertall in Toronto.

It's a tower we've all come to know and love, infact its already under construction, about 2 floors up so far.

I am of the opinion that the developer has a wild plan up their sleeve, that ordinarily would be too tall or too controversial to get approved, so they release this horrendous render to strike the fear of God into the city planning department. "See how bad it could be if you don't give us what we want?"

I think you 'hit the nail on the head' Traynor
We probably will see many changes before the final product.
I say rearrange their footprint and add 20-25 floors to one and take 20-25 off the other.:)

I was expecting an early 50's well dressed and well spoken gentleman, pontificating on design aesthetic only realized by one master "Mies"... Who did I get? ... Someone who sounded more at home as an extra on The Big Bang Theory; in a scene at ComicCon asking Levar Burton why his character in episode 186 of STNG, pressed a button clearly used as Warp Core Ejection in a previous episode, this time to lower the blast doors.


Michael Myers?
I have no idea who or what you're talking about!

I find that hard to believe.

But I'm willing to bet you're the type that peppers all your conversation with pop culture/tv/movie references... yawn.

Almost never...except when the analogy is to be understood by the masses and is extremely apropos. Furthermore, it is terribly cliche and smacks of pseudo-intellectualism to deride cultural references and adding the "yawn" simply negates any semblance of maturity you were hoping to achieve.

The diagram seems to show the front of the building going right to the property line. Would it have killed them to set it back a couple metres to line up with the Marriott to the south (and the blocks south of that) and provide a wider sidewalk? Seems like a no-brainer, honestly. A wider sidewalk with room for some trees might help mitigate the loominess of a monotonous 7-storey above-ground parking garage too.
