AOD : I'm not sure how you took my comment about what are evidently about 15 distinct facades running the length of the block in his drawing to be some argument about density? To me, the existing built form of Yonge St is old storefronts that would likely be 12-15 ft wide on average. (I know its not specifically the case for what exists here now). One of my objections to the earlier massing drawing was the huge, bulky, monolithic podium. What UD seems to have proposed is to simulate that regular spacing of old storefronts by breaking up his design into distinct facades. Whether these would simply be facades or seperate buildings, you'd have to ask him. Anyways that is my take on it and it works for me.
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Let me rephrase it this way - streetscape is maintained through scale as well as diversity of the facades - the ud proposal breaks the former, particularly when you assume that the overall density has to remain the same as the original proposal. In fact, the podium for the aA proposal is probably just as amenable to a facade treatment of this sort. That's a rather simple design issue that doesn't affect form (hence overall square footage).

I will go by the ol' "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it at all" mantra on this one. Pass.

EDIT: I appreciate the time, creativity and effort you put into this concept UD, so kudos for that, but I guess I just can't visualize a potential finished product well enough based on the drawings provided.

EDIT #2: My friend just came in and gave his opinion. He says it's "pretty cool".
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I'm working with the original idea, and will do some renderings once I have it further along. So far I think it provides a wonderfully varied yet legible ground level that would animate Yonge Street well.
I really do appreciate and enjoy all these mock-ups and fantasy drawings people are doing, but can we not move them to their own dedicated thread or board? It would be nice to be able to just follow news and discussion on the actual proposal on this site.
Maybe this is what the average ppl want?


ie zero originality...

And maybe a giant Canadian flag up top?
I've modified the plans to $queeze more from the overseas investors.:)



Again not exactly to scale, but tallest tower would be around 50-60s.

No. The tower components are way too narrow. The entire block is only 289 ft., which pegs the two towers shown at roughly 30 (the shorter) and 20 (the taller) feet, respectively. Great concept but maybe try again this time with towers that are a minimum of 50 feet.
I really do appreciate and enjoy all these mock-ups and fantasy drawings people are doing, but can we not move them to their own dedicated thread or board? It would be nice to be able to just follow news and discussion on the actual proposal on this site.

Not a bad idea, and more fitting for the way the forum should run! One of us Mods will move things around as soon one of us has time!

Thank god, this is all a bit reminiscent of a toddler running up to his mommy with a drawing for the fridge.
Thank god, this is all a bit reminiscent of a toddler running up to his mommy with a drawing for the fridge.

Thank you for this! Because these forums needed more pretentiousness...
I say keep the mock ups coming and keep them in the thread. Why should we stifle forumers creativity? It adds to the discussion because it shows potential for the site.
I say keep the mock ups coming and keep them in the thread. Why should we stifle forumers creativity? It adds to the discussion because it shows potential for the site.

I agree. Keep 'em coming. This activity has a purpose and it would lose its effect if taken off to a separate thread.
I think they are useful, especially considering the current debate over the massing of this project.

Come to think of it, I am fancying something like this in the Hague...

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