It's the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport - the building is called Castalia, designed by Michael Graves. Totally out of scale, but somehow feels extremely contextual (at least from afar). I can live with that kind of intervention for 501 Yonge - mind you, it probably doesn't have the FAR compared to the current proposal.

^ That's pretty funny. Let the hair-splitting arguments and charges of plagiarism begin!
Too bad London isn't taking this opportunity to name it 'Toronto Square'. Very square.
Great, so after all the hair pulling and angst about us judging this project on the basis of a "massing study" it turns out thats exactly what we're going to get. What a pos.

Good find!

That's nothing new though... people had that at the meeting that was held a few months ago.
I'm sure it's been said, but the retail on the podium of the render in document looks so sterile, imposing, and uninteresting from a pedestrian perspective. Are they really hoping to attract Yorkville brands to those retail spaces? Couldn't they design a podium to look like several 3-4 story brick buildings common along Yonge st?
I'm sure it's been said, but the retail on the podium of the render in document looks so sterile, imposing, and uninteresting from a pedestrian perspective. Are they really hoping to attract Yorkville brands to those retail spaces? Couldn't they design a podium to look like several 3-4 story brick buildings common along Yonge st?

...And overbearing. This entire proposal is so "out there" it's absolutely offensive.
Garbage. And there isn't a chance in hell Lanterra believes they would get Chanel, "Mac", Swarovski, Louis Vuitton or Prada for retail in this monstrosity, it's just a very transparent ploy to dazzle you with their pretty render and distract from the terrible overall design. BRICK, UGHHHH!
And I remember project end defending the project saying it was line drawing only showing massing and that the final product would look nothing like it. Whoever believed that was out to lunch. Why would any developer present drawings at a community meeting that looked nothing like the final product. Didn't make any sense. The line drawings are exactly what is proposed.
This document is dated May 4, 2011.

Why are you all jumping to the conclusion that this is the final design and not the same old massing study?
Because there is a never-ending competition on UT to see who can be the most negative?
