What sits on this block now pretty much sucks but my negative reaction is because I believe the location is all wrong for this kind of project, same goes for 460 Yonge. Unfortunately I think 460 will eventually be approved with a height reduction, the 501 project is a whole other matter. Btw, the next public meeting for this project is Feb. 29th at the YMCA on Grosvenor at 6:30 and the meeting goes from 7-9pm.
I believe that meeting's for 460, not 501.

You are correct, thank you. It's a community meeting for 460 Yonge, my apologies.
From www.twitter.com/urbanation


Looks alright but I think my proposal was sexier.:)

(I can already predict the aA-haters rants starting. Looking forward to reading their posts later tonight.:))

Thanks for the link, but I'm actually more intrigued with the preliminary rendering of the Finch East/Willowdale project.
Just to spell this out for anybody who does not quite understand this yet: the rendering that Urbanation just twatted and which urbandreamer linked to (sort of) is nothing new, and not a marketing rendering at all. Spire and Ramako have this right: this is from the massing study stage halfway through last year, and it is making the rounds lately since it was discovered amongst all of the other study material which has now been posted on the anti-501 neighbourhood group website. They requested the materials last year at the public meeting, and they have posted them now.

Where's Batman to tell everyone to keep calm?
Lanterra has established working groups for the 501 Yonge St. project. To get in on the working groups you must contact Councillor Wong-Tam (councillor_wongtam@toronto.ca) to ask for a seat and her office will issue times and locations. The first meeting is Thurs. Feb. 23, 2012, with meetings to follow on March 27, April 3, May 17, and June 4.
Lanterra has established working groups for the 501 Yonge St. project. To get in on the working groups you must contact Councillor Wong-Tam (councillor_wongtam@toronto.ca) to ask for a seat and her office will issue times and locations. The first meeting is Thurs. Feb. 23, 2012, with meetings to follow on March 27, April 3, May 17, and June 4.

I think councilor Tam has to sit down a bit more with Adam Vaughan and learn a lesson or two on how to compromise (with developers and area residents) on some of these big projects going down in her ward...she is definitely a sophomore when it comes to city development.
I think councilor Tam has to sit down a bit more with Adam Vaughan and learn a lesson or two on how to compromise (with developers and area residents) on some of these big projects going down in her ward...she is definitely a sophomore when it comes to city development.

Even better, Pam McConnell. Witness what has happened in the St. Lawrence Market neighbourhood in the past few decades.
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Meeting on April 26. RSVP:

Working Group Meeting 3 for 501 Yonge Street

Date: Thursday, April 26, 2012
Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Location: Toronto City Hall; the room will depend on the number of
observers requesting a place at the meeting.

You must request a seat in the Committee Room.

Please reserve your seat in the committee room by contacting:
email: jnellig@toronto.ca
Telephone: 416 392-7903
But they aren't giving the bureaucrats 2 million, they are giving 2 million worth of amenities to the neighbourhood. You're implying that this is like bribery, that somehow the bureaucrats or councillors are personally profiting, which is absurd. This is, as I said, a reasonable give and take in city building. Circumstances change regularly, which is why zoning laws get altered and other changes to the city plan occur.

Now I agree that one doesn't want this to happen without consideration. But it is not ridiculous in principle.

I agree with you Tulse in the manner that Toronto is the biggest city in Ontario and the fact that it's the main city of all and the heart of economic financial district in Canada. Toronto with the likes of New York, France, Chicago, Singapore, Hongkong, Dubai, London, Germany, and et al. So what im trying to say here is that, how can Toronto compete with such like New York, Chicago, Singapore and others if we cannot build High rise towers or buildings such as Aura, Trump and others? Do you get my point? Toronto should be allowed to build high-rise buildings and towers should it want to compete with First- Class Cities in the World. And we all know that we no longer are in the 18th and 19th centuries anymore...We are in the 21st Century now!

Highrises of the sort we see in Toronto aren't THAT common in either Paris, London or Frankfurt. Hong Kong and Singapore really has no choice but to build up given the scarcity of land. As to Dubai - the economics behind their building boom is dubious at best. Cities compete on the basis of economic strength, and condo towers makes for a poor proxy of such.

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what im trying to say here is that, how can Toronto compete with such like New York, Chicago, Singapore and others if we cannot build High rise towers or buildings such as Aura, Trump and others? Do you get my point?

Yes, but I don't how anything I wrote that you quoted contradicts that. The quoted passage is actually pro development -- I was against the notion that developers offering money for public neighbourhood amenities in exchange for zoning variances is somehow corrupt and undesirable.
