How rare and nice for them to share their total project cost! That makes it easy to run the numbers against their sales material to calculate their profit. I think it's safe to assume that figure accounts for soft costs, in which case Lamb will walk away with $131M profit, over 25% on this one!
That doesn't include cost to purchase the property, or many fees. That's typically just labour and material costs.
I think that's their branding for the outdoor terrace shared between the buildings.

Well that’s not a skywalk, this is a skywalk:


Looking forward to the redesigned parkette where the CHCH Guest Parking was for decades.

There aren’t many developers incorporating POPS (Privately-Owned Public Spaces) in Hamilton, so I’m glad Lamb is.

Does anyone know if their Parkland Fees were waived for incorporating this into the project?

City Square, down the street between Charlton and Robinson, was supposed to build a parkette but it ended up being a surface parking lot instead.
Yeah and some of them are City Housing... it can be a bit dodgy around there at times. Also, many of the balconies of the City Housing buildings are full of garbage and other stuff. It won't be the prettiest view from the balconies for some of these units.
Hopefully it forces some of those older buildings to provide a facelift with new balconies and fresh paint. Similar to what the building on the corner of King William and Victoria just did this past summer.
The old and new offers a nice juxtaposition. Varied materials will make the view more interesting from high up... as someone that had unobstructed west view of the Toronto skyline for a decade it's beautiful seeing the contrast.
