the view looking south is awersome,and the renders dont make it look as short and stubby .
Also the cladding looks to be pretty nice as well. Love the shudders or fins, or whatever the proper name for them is.
The changes to the base are pretty impressive. Well proportioned and elegant. The extension of the retail along the rail line will work wonders in creating a vibrant court between Telus, ACC, and MLS.

Thumbs up.
I think the height is appropriate. It allows for a tapering of the commerical skyline. The new renders also look fairly impressive. I'm looking forward to it.
Scarberiankhatru will be pleased. On page 12, someone has put up a crane and is taking down Infinity.


PS It seems to be a runaway GO Train in every shot.
But seriously folks,

I quite like the gray (stone-clad?) 3rd and 4th floors of the podium, which will give this project a needed unique touch in a city with an increasing number of similar glassy boxes.

The podium's dark gray cladding will subtly emphasize the shadow of the overhanging tower, and its own giant window walls where it projects at the east and west ends will keep it from feeling oppressively heavy. I'm not sure why there is one strip of windows in the podium along the south side above the entrance to the building: I think that breaks up the monumentality of that wall a bit.

The rendering on page 10 seems to indicate that a number of strips within the square's pavement will be lit from below. That should be fun at night when the square is teaming with people.

The rendering on page 3 is interesting because we will never actually see that view: by the time this tower is complete, MLS will be substantially complete as well, and will be blocking this building from much of the southerly views depicted here. (Besides, Waterclub is just barely started in this pic - they didn't use a very fresh one.)

The ground floor plan on page 4 indicates not only lots of retail, but very generous sidewalk space around the building as well. Excellent!

PS It seems to be a runaway GO Train in every shot.

I guess they are "playing up" how easy it is to get to for workers.

But seriously folks,

The rendering on page 3 is interesting because we will never actually see that view: by the time this tower is complete, MLS will be substantially complete as well, and will be blocking this building from much of the southerly views depicted here. (Besides, Waterclub is just barely started in this pic - they didn't use a very fresh one.)

They wanted to make as much impact for their building as possible. Views of MLS or Waterclub would have destroyed the fun.
Yes this is the best of the new office projects u/c. The podium and plaza at street level look terrific.

Hey is that a mast I see on top? This classy little tower may yet top 500 feet :)






