In the construction pics you can see an existing tunnel under the tracks at about the mid-point of the site. I'm curious if it will remain. It looks like a relatively new tunnel structure.
This is looking like one of Toronto's best new projects, and in an area that desperately needs quality architecture. Hopefully it raises the bar for nearby future developments
Yesterday. Digging a bit deeper, and it looks like there will be a direct connection to the planned GO west concourse.


The Belus Tower?

I wonder if the Bell-Telus merger goes through what will become of this building? I suppose the new company will be larger and need new office space. So perhaps it'll become a Belus tower for a few years--then maybe Belus will build a 150 floor giant telephone pole somewhere downtown;)?
I wonder if the Bell-Telus merger goes through what will become of this building? I suppose the new company will be larger and need new office space. So perhaps it'll become a Belus tower for a few years--then maybe Belus will build a 150 floor giant telephone pole somewhere downtown;)?

I think it's widely accepted that a merger would end up in huge staffing CUTS. There is a ton of overlap both technology and staff wise between the two companies. Definitely would not result in a net addition of staff.
Oh yes I understand there would be big staffing cuts. But. But they might consolidate head office functions in one big new tower in Toronto. So net result: more office jobs in Toronto but fewer in the boondocks (aka Alberta/BC.) Btw, do any of you folks own BCE shares (like moi?) I'm happy no matter what happens:)
There's a huge fight between Montreal and B.C. over the headquarters of this new company. Unfortunately, they won't solve that problem by moving to Toronto. Telus has said that they will have three "main offices" in Western Canada, Montreal, and Toronto. The latter is to make use of the new Telus building.
How does a company with annual revenue of 8 billion dollars swallow a giant that has revenues of 20 billion dollars? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
At the same time looking at all the assets of Bell you would think there would be a way for Bell to sell things off to focus on the more profitable parts of its business and still end up being worth more than Telus. Is it the regulatory straight jackets that make it impossible for Bell to be more profitable? Is it unions? I would think that whatever is making it difficult for Bell to be more profitable is going to end up weighing down Telus. The sheer size of Bell means that a Telus takeover of Bell is a takeover in name only... Telus will become Bell but keep the name Telus.
It's thought that Telus is better managed than Bell. For example, Telus is the most profitable wireless operator. Bell's problems have very little to do with unions or regulators. The main issue seems to be that they got very distracted during the high tech boom, first with their Nortel stake and spinoff, and then with their convergence strategy.
