Is it just me or does it looks like it's going to be a continuous sheet of glass! this could turn out really well.
August 14

The glass looked good from the pedestrian bridge from Union Station.

This will be a unique addition to our skyline for glass colours. I don't think we have any that are this colour, do we?
When you see it in person the glass is quite light in colour. I think it looks sharp - so far!
Wow the earlier photos, and these ones, looks like completely different glass. Must just be the location of the sun causing the differences.
Very highly reflective glass!
WOW. It just goes to show you, a little detail goes a long way. Despite its stumpy-ness this will definitely exceed BA and even RBC in terms of doing something truly creative with the exterior design detail (are you reading this Brookfield???) I seem to recall Christopher Hume at some point writing something very positive about Telus. Too bad it will only be 30 storeys..but what an interesting 30 story building it will be :)
That sleek silvery/blue glass is going to look REALLY nice in contrast with the black wall on the lower floors.
I'll chime in with a thumbs up for this project as well. I had not been expecting too much from this, but the design details and finish are turning this one into a pleasant surprise.

I just hope the other two office towers on this intersection turn out as positively as this one looks to become.
I think this one is crucial as it will really stand out on the Waterfront, which may not be your usual view of the average Torontonian, but important for all those pics that show off how nice our city is.

Thumbs up so far from me too.
