From yesterday:

I find it fascinating that this barely leaves a mark on the skyline, at least to my eyes. This is approaching its final height, and I still have a hard time finding it from most vantage points. I remember when this was proposed, before Southcore was truly built up, this was a significant proposal. Now, even before topping out, it's flanked by 4 other buildings similar in height that have left much more of an impact.
I am optimistic about the roofline however, which should really stand out compared to the others.
Looking from across the world, it does look like Australian architecture is far more expressive/dynamic than ours. A similar image of Chicago's skyline, with its vastly superior architecture, would've been just as effective.
This is why i created this thread about the architecture of Toronto.
We can continue to discuss world architecture on this thread.
The 10 york thread should be dedicated to this building .
It's sure that the architecture in Melbourne is more expressive than ours unfortunately.

Therefore,this is why we need Mirvish Gehry and 263 adelaide to save the skyline from this viewpoint.

Here the link to the thread.
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  • IMG_4832_1.jpg
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Please tell me someone, isn't the last floors of the tower be curved like in the rendering?
I think that the building will be soon topped out and i dont see a curved top again.




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  • ten-york-condos-18-334x10301.jpg
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I do see a subtle change at the top in those renders you point out but that could just be artistic license. It's almost imperceptible so I doubt it is really going to change the look of the tower either way.
