That particular rendering does indeed may it look bulky but if you see it in person you'll see the proportions seem right.
This picture must be old. There is a better rendering of the building that's on the site hoarding, as well as the building itself looks spectacular so far.

Sorry MrCondo, but you have a pretty low threshold for "spectacular".

I guess its all in the faux details? Regardless of taste, I love the location of this building. Avenue Rd / St. Clair has always been one of my fave spots in the city. Views from the penthouse suites, esp looking south will be amazing! Even driving down Avenue Rd at street level from this hill top the downtown core looks very impressive.
It's just another show of faux - throw on a bunch of historicky flourishes and apparently you have a building fit for those who don't mind buildings that try to glean their dignity from an imagined past.

What's so bad about "this thing" exactly?

I think it'll turn out very well. The base seems to meet the street well - the terraces should give it a unique look as well.

Moreover it fits in with the area.

Yes it's not a stand out tower but not everyone project needs or should be..

Right on the $ taal. A slick glass tower wouldn't have fit in here at all. This building embraces the neighbourhood.

Not at all! There's a modernist Unitarian Church immediately to the west of this site, and across Avenue Road starts a string of modernist towers (some of which number amongst Toronto's most interesting) that march all the way down to Yonge Street. Avenue Road north to UCC is also chock-a-block with modernist towers.

So what are you talking about? The neighbourhood hidden off of the main streets here?

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There's the odd building here and there that doesn't fit in but generally speaking, this neighbourhood has many elegant brick and stone buildings from various eras that perfectly match this new building. And we are on the edge of Forest Hill.
The odd building that doesn't with in with the modernist aesthetic of the main streets in this area?

There is more of a jumble of styles if you head south on Avenue Road, or west on St. Clair, but head north or east and you will find more modernist than historical pastiche.

The other word you use - elegant - has not been proven ere yet. The building in the rendering looks a bit lumpy to me. Renderings, especially 'painted' ones, are always slightly off the mark though, so we don't really know what this will look like yet. Whether this building ever joins the ranks of the truly elegant historically designed structures in the area, Timothy Eaton Memorial Church for example, is along way from being seen, and to my mind, rather unlikely to happen.

Until I see more progress ... and how it turns out ... no comment.

But I think everyone will be happy with it once everything is said and done ... even you interchange. :p
Exactly. Sorry, when I said 'Spectacular', I was saying that with the big picture in mind too.

I agree, it's hard to judge now, but I presume the building will end up looking very nice in every detail.

As for the area, I think the building will fit very well. I personally love the look of glass towers but I don't know if one would look good in this location. Glass towers generally look wonderful when they soar in height. From what I hear, this building is only around 18 floors or so.

If you drive south on Avenue Rd, have a look at the Minto Yorkville building on the west side. I like the look of it. I think The Avenue will share similarities, but will be up a notch or two in the details and finishes.

At the end of the day, time will tell, and it's going up quick, so we will soon see!

- M
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