When was it renamed?

I can tell you that sad faded looking EDS sign came down about a half year ago or so (good riddance).
A quick search of what this company's web site actually resulted in little more than a rather ambiguous description, full of the usual coy buzzword descriptions which basically say nothing. A real estate research company of some sort. Nice sign though. Looking at it as I type. I think tonight is the first night its been lit up.
And as I type this I see the Toronto Star logo in the distance and your building slightly to the right of the Flatiron. If I turn my head 90% I see the CIBC, Scotia and KPMG logos shining brightly.

Oh and the Berczy site directly ahead.

I can tell you that sad faded looking EDS sign came down about a half year ago or so (good riddance).
A quick search of what this company's web site actually resulted in little more than a rather ambiguous description, full of the usual coy buzzword descriptions which basically say nothing. A real estate research company of some sort. Nice sign though. Looking at it as I type. I think tonight is the first night its been lit up.

It does tend to be ambiguous, but essentially Altus Group does mostly appraisals for value of properties in order to determine for a potential buyer (in most cases) whether the property and land are worth buying. Thats done through either potential income analysis of the site or site and improvement (building), direct comparison approach to other recently sold similar properties, or cost approach which looks at the costs to replace or reproduce the building (s) less depreciation. Altus does these appraisals and consulting for usually private clients. I believe they also represent clients at the ARB in appealing their assessments. The assessments are done by me and my colleagues over at MPAC. Altus also owns Deloitte I think now.
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I was walking by Berczy yesterday and I noticed something that looks like beam sticking out through the east facade. Anyone know what they are?
I was walking by Berczy yesterday and I noticed something that looks like beam sticking out through the east facade. Anyone know what they are?

They are connected to the demolition that is going on. If you go back and look today you will see that they have used these beams to construct another 'barrier" to stop demolition stuff falling onto the street.
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Bird Construction at the Berczy

Does anyone know why Concert would choose Bird Construction? Bird does mostly commercial and institutional construction. I think they are mostly out west and don't have much Toronto residential experience. They have done 2 residential condo's projects in Toronto that I know of, Thornwood 1 and 2 which was highly ‘controversial’ in terms of quality and finishing and Mozo. Although they appear as an established firm, this strikes me as a risky decision by Concert using Bird. Especially given this is there first condo project.
Like any other contractor, the big name on the sign is only part of the story. If they can get the construction manager from Bird to give a damn about finishes, everything should be fine. It is really about who cares and who doesn't and that comes down to people sometimes. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. I want my suite to rock!
Putting my camera to work.
I wouldn't worry about the quality. Concert's track record in B.C. is excellent and as this is a very important project for them, the quality will be excellent. They'll be coming out with more projects so they'll want the Berczy to come out very nice.
Recent photos taken Feb 12, 2011


The heterogeneity of older structures gives them a texture that just can't be replaced - I understand why facades drive some preservationists mad, as most the of the character of a building is interior. This demo job, being done board by board has all the character of an archeological dig.
The heterogeneity of older structures gives them a texture that just can't be replaced - I understand why facades drive some preservationists mad, as most the of the character of a building is interior. This demo job, being done board by board has all the character of an archeological dig.

I completely agree.

