I normally would be annoyed by something being so prevalent, but I have an irrationally deep love for Shoppers Drug Mart. It's just the best. And Optimum Points are also a hobby of mine. I'm that guy who steals his friends' points when they buy something there with me but don't have a card.
They're actually among the best points systems around (for value I mean).
I love Shoppers too - but dissappointed that this is being part of the retail component - doesn't do much to enliven the street.
According to the article the renters were offering at least $100,000 to move out. I think that is extremely generous as they are renters and don't own their units. I haven't heard of any renter being offered that much to vacate.

What I am really shocked about this development is that selling prices for these rather mediocre condo units are over $800/sq.ft.
I doubt there is a huge demand for this kind of product at this price especially when the market is returning to more realistic and sustainable level. The developer is heavily banking on the mystique of the Sutton Place, but the new building has stripped all of that history and charm behind all of their pretensious marketing.

Wow...$100K? I'd be gone in a heart beat. Hell I'd leave my place right now if I was offered $100K over what it's worth.

Anyways...this development IMO will be a dud. Not only does it look like crap, but I have yet to see a Lanterra project that didn't have interiors that looked like they were from home depot. Yes, even the expensive One Bedford. So $800+? Yea right.

The article does not (at least when I read it) say that renters have been offered $100k. It says one gentleman (who happened to be 102 years and needs to go to a nursing/care facility) was given a "six figure" settlement....but that was a one off special consideration for that individual and, if anything, just shows that this developer is doing a bit more than the law requires and being a bit compassionate with his situation.

Reading between the lines (which can be dangerous) I get the sense that the rest of the residents are trying to get the same sort of deal even though their situations are not the same (not close to the same)....so, bizarrely, the individual tenants may be behaving with less compassion and humanity than the developer.

It appears that Lanterra are willing to go beyond what is legally required for all of these tenants....but there has to be a limit.
The article does not (at least when I read it) say that renters have been offered $100k. It says one gentleman (who happened to be 102 years and needs to go to a nursing/care facility) was given a "six figure" settlement....but that was a one off special consideration for that individual and, if anything, just shows that this developer is doing a bit more than the law requires and being a bit compassionate with his situation.

Reading between the lines (which can be dangerous) I get the sense that the rest of the residents are trying to get the same sort of deal even though their situations are not the same (not close to the same)....so, bizarrely, the individual tenants may be behaving with less compassion and humanity than the developer.

It appears that Lanterra are willing to go beyond what is legally required for all of these tenants....but there has to be a limit.

It wouldn't shock me at all to see this project cancelled. It has had bad vibes right from the start.
I was horrified to see agents with clients visiting the sales centre yesterday. I realized why aA wanted nothing to do with the project: 1) Little experience with such a complex design (new meets old) and 2) destroying a beautiful modern Toronto landmark.
Application: Building Additions/Alterations Status: Not Started

Location: 951-971 BAY ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 13 156169 BLD 00 BA Accepted Date: Apr 24, 2013

Project: Multiple Unit Building Interior Demolition

Description: Interior demo of existing rooms on floors 3-18 within existing mixed use building. Convenience address - 955 Bay St. Also see active BLD permit for int demo to 10th floor 13 117342.
Oh good god :( The Sutton Hotel stood out on Bay st along this stretch of mundane buildings.
Unfortunately we have moved into an era where instead of moving away from fully-glazed buildings in new construction, not only do we build endless fully-glazed towers, but we are re-cladding the older buildings to be fully-glazed as well. It's mind-boggling.
Mind boggling to you, perhaps. The proposal's rendering looks much nicer than what is currently there. That's just my opinion though, so you won't see me saying "its mind boggling that people actually want to keep that filthy relic of a building the way it stands."
