I hate admitting that I like the podium as I'm against losing any of this fine building (other than the fake palladian windows at street level)…

but the plan for the tower is a dog's breakfast.

Mind boggling to you, perhaps. The proposal's rendering looks much nicer than what is currently there. That's just my opinion though, so you won't see me saying "its mind boggling that people actually want to keep that filthy relic of a building the way it stands."

Regardless of how the building looks, I think fully-glazed towers are a shortsighted and energy-inefficient building solution for this city in the quantities we are constructing. I can't even imagine how many decades the inefficiencies of these buildings will plague us.

But who cares? 'Cuz fully-glazed towers look cool, right?!
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I've heard some reports that some developers are holding back condo launches due to slowing sales - I keep hoping that slow sales here will cause the project to be delayed and relaunched at later date with a better design.
well, the interior renovation looks nice and one has to love the addition of all that retail space, but this is by far the ugliest renovation i've ever seen. like it would be so much more interesting to cut in some more windows, bring the place up to modern energy and amenity standards, then add the extra floors, if necessary. as it is, even the least savvy condo-buyer wouldn't fall for this, so stupid. and such a terrible "name".
as it is, even the least savvy condo-buyer wouldn't fall for this, so stupid. and such a terrible "name".

None of this matters, as many, it not most, of the units in this building will be rented to U of T students across the street. Many of the condos along this stretch of Bay are essentially becoming dormitories for overseas students and I suspect many of the buyers are overseas as well.
None of this matters, as many, it not most, of the units in this building will be rented to U of T students across the street. Many of the condos along this stretch of Bay are essentially becoming dormitories for overseas students and I suspect many of the buyers are overseas as well.

Frankly I'm concerned with the future condition of those condos. Even at ROCP, which has larger apartments, they always have trouble reaching quorum for their annual meeting.
Application: Building Additions/Alterations Status: Not Started

Location: 955 BAY ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 14 120033 BLD 00 BA Accepted Date: Feb 21, 2014

Project: Motel/Hotel Interior Demolition

Description: Proposal for interior demolition to floors 1 - 33 in the existing hotel.
This is actually starting? Sales were kinda iffy on this, I thought they would try to relaunch. maybe they had an uptick in sales the past few months..
This is actually starting? Sales were kinda iffy on this, I thought they would try to relaunch. maybe they had an uptick in sales the past few months..

They indeed did with some incentives and reduction in prices of some units. Someone in the real estate forum me ruined that they have a banner hanging outside the hotel saying '70% sold, construction starting soon' so I guess they made it in terms of getting construction financing.
