Does this project still include work/industrial space which if I think was supposed to be offered at affordable or below market rates? anyone know where to get info on renting the space??

From my understanding, each building is supposed to have commercial retail at the base, but majority of the work space will be concentrated within the building at the north end. I haven't necessarily received details about it being at below market rates, but wouldn't be surprised if that was the case with the current office climate anyways.

They don't seem to have an office leasing website up, but you can probably probe either's the main Brixton rental site or the JLL (retail commerical) folks for more info.

Just horrible.

The northern-most building would've actually been alright, until they got all economically lazy with the spandrel for the top part.
The liberal use of grey spandrel and the token use of of prefab brick. And it shows... /sigh
