You seem to believe that the ancient Romans had access to some sort magical concrete recipe, you're almost making it sound mystical. While Roman concrete was remarkably durable for its time, modern concrete formulations have indeed surpassed it in many aspects. The Romans achieved impressive results through their material choices, but today's advanced concrete engineering offers greater strength, versatility, and customization. If you're interested in learning about the science behind both ancient and modern concrete, I recommend Veritasium's episode on the topic.
LOL.. magic concrete - good discussion :p

I will check it out - never too late to learn new things :)
This is an odd construction. They're not done the first floor columns yet, but are starting on form work for the floors it seems? The sidewalks on Wilson and Hughson are closed. If you want to trespass the gate is open on Hughson 😂
Slightly off topic but another thing to note about roman concrete is the application was completely different, as it was usually used more like a mortar and mixed with large amounts of ruble, then faced on either side with brick.
Slightly off topic but another thing to note about roman concrete is the application was completely different, as it was usually used more like a mortar and mixed with large amounts of ruble, then faced on either side with brick.
How is this off topic, isn't this a thread on all things concrete😏. Seriously, I am super stoked about this development and the spin off encouragement it is bringing to building in this quadrant of the downtown. Would be fantastic if that third crane was for a third tower. Emblem does a lot of promo to individual investors to get units moved, let's see what spring rush to the market brings.
How is this off topic, isn't this a thread on all things concrete😏. Seriously, I am super stoked about this development and the spin off encouragement it is bringing to building in this quadrant of the downtown. Would be fantastic if that third crane was for a third tower. Emblem does a lot of promo to individual investors to get units moved, let's see what spring rush to the market brings.
With inflation coming down quite significantly, we might see that summer interest rate reduction meaning we might see a small bump in the condo market helping to move these projects along.
Lots of progress happened here in the past two weeks. And it does look like they are starting on the third tower. Some activity around the third crane, including what looks like an elevator shaft.















I'll have to take another look at the Architectural documents, because is it my eye or is there one below grade floor for part of the site? I thought this one had nothing below grade, unless I'm misremembering.
I feel like they've made some design changes since the DRP documents. The third tower just isn't lining up with where it should be as shown in the original site plan documents.

it looks to me like they've removed the pedestrian space between the church and the third tower, and instead shifted the tower further south.
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I aam curious as to what retail is proposed for here - It'd be cool to have some restaurants in this building pulling traffic from king william to this area...
I'd have to imagine it's going to be a lot of utilitarian stuff. Hamilton will be a bit different in a few years when this is done, but I suspect at least one coffee shop, I'm betting a Starbs. I wonder if the larger unit would have room for a gym... I'd really like a discount gym downtown again. Probably at least 1 nicer resto, and maybe a franchise-esque bar like Plank, but more well known. Like a Beertown or a Rust or Barra Fion style pub from Burlington.
Seems work was mostly stopped today, likely due to wind. Tried to get some photos on the ground to see if in fact the POPS part between the building and the church is no longer part of the project. Couldn't really get a good vantage point, but this Utility box in the one photo, is right where the POPS would be, so unless it's planned to be moved, they may have moved the POPS to the north edge to create a better mid-block cross through.

A bit unfortunate if true because the church is a really nice building and I feel like they may have been able to use the space for events and such outdoors. Also looks like Skygrid located themselves into an office across the street in one of the buildings purchased by Emblem.
That's what I figured happened. Shifted the tower south, and moved the pedestrian space to the north side of tower 3. Should be very clear in the next week or so once they finish pouring the foundation for tower 3.

I was by the site at around 11AM and work was in full swing. So they must have stopped due to wind later on.
