I haven't been by here since last fall, but from the photos, I think it looks terrific.
from last weekend:

Lotus looks like it was built 10 or 15 years ago.
The Florian looks very handsome.

I believe Lotus started selling about 10 years ago even though it wasn't complete until about 3-4 years ago. The design for Lotus was probably conceived well over ten years ago.

I agree the Florian does look sharp.
This looks so well executed! The contrasting white and black is simply stunning and shows great attention to the detail elements of this building. Congratulations to everyone involved!
The Florian looks great! The use of marble on the overhang above the entrance and the choice of (zinc?) cladding on those columns shows great attention to detail! Very well done indeed.
This building is incredible. The attention to detail is immaculate. If only more of our developers had this type of ambition...
It's amazing what covering the exposed concrete on columns and beneath overhangs can do! It looks so much more finished than the average condo tower.
This building is incredible. The attention to detail is immaculate. If only more of our developers had this type of ambition...

If only we could get this kind of quality from all developers instead of them cutting corners to meet deadlines, rushing to move people in and moving onto another project.
