Considering Leadenhall is only 20% smaller than The Ladder but 40% less leasable space, and both are developed by Oxford, I think it’s reasonable to expect similar finish quality.

P.S. Yeah, I’m calling this The Ladder.
The HUB (and Urban Toronto) was mentioned, and not in vain, by the Toronto Sun's Mike Filey. See link.

THE WAY WE WERE: Huh-bub at the Waterfront

There are many, many interesting websites that cover everything from making simple (and not so simple) car repairs, how to wash windows (the glass kind) more effectively and — one of my favourites — a way to locate rare or out-of-print books, especially those that relate to our city’s past.

On Toronto history (as this column is wont to do), one website that makes for fascinating reading — not just for those of us who wonder what our city will look like in the near future, but one that will also make fascinating reading for the Toronto history buff of the future who will be able to look back through the website’s archived material and see how we got that way.


The Toronto Harbour Commission'€™s historic administration building can be seen nestled under a cantilevered portion of Oxford Properties proposed 60 storey office tower to be known as "€'The HUB'. (Oxford Properties via Urban Toronto)

The site is titled Urban Toronto and can be found at Click on, fill in the requested details to receive the organization’s free newsletter.

One of the items in the most recent Urban Toronto newsletter has details related to the future of one of our city’s most iconic landmarks, the stately Toronto Harbour Commission (THC) administration building on the north side of Harbour St. and just steps west of the busy Bay St. corner.
So now that 30 Bay has been proposed, i can only see 3 possible development sites left to develop in that area of Southcore

That plot of land @ Yonge + Lake Shore sandwiched between the Gardiner off ramp and rail corridor!1soI_E3lCbexTrs-hOG1ZgtA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

The Conference Centre @ 11 Bay/ Harbour street!1sVcl6NbK-8ICmowAJ-ktQyQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

The Parking garage @ 131 Harbour st./200 Queens Quay west!1s66hoM8FDgf4U1IwRVIdyMg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
So now that 30 Bay has been proposed, i can only see 3 possible development sites left to develop in that area of Southcore

That plot of land @ Yonge + Lake Shore sandwiched between the Gardiner off ramp and rail corridor!1soI_E3lCbexTrs-hOG1ZgtA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

The Conference Centre @ 11 Bay/ Harbour street!1sVcl6NbK-8ICmowAJ-ktQyQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

The Parking garage @ 131 Harbour st./200 Queens Quay west!1s66hoM8FDgf4U1IwRVIdyMg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

The conference centre is part of the Westin and can be yours today if you have $300M-ish.
What's the estimated size of the property that straddles part of the corridor ? Maybe a mid rise tower would compliment that section .
Considering Leadenhall is only 20% smaller than The Ladder but 40% less leasable space, and both are developed by Oxford, I think it’s reasonable to expect similar finish quality.

P.S. Yeah, I’m calling this The Ladder.

I'd second "the Ladder". I wouldn't at all doubt this becoming its moniker over time.

Siderant re: Leadenhall. That building is a winner in so many regards. The awesome unique cheesegrater shape, the tight grid of triangle beams coming up the side, and - something I only realized last week - the whole inner workings are visible from its north side. It's like an x-ray of a building, but done for med students since everything is painted in bright colours. Very neat.
The conference centre is part of the Westin and can be yours today if you have $300M-ish.
I'm sure that is for everything? they can easily severe the Conference Centre from the rest and sell it separately, it could always be incorporated into the new development
What they should do is raise the main financial towers by 4 to 8 storeys with the each floor plate around being 20ft or more. Creating an indoor food area and zen parks in the sky for workers to chill out at lunch. Thus putting their BMO,TD or Scotia logos on top, so the can be seen from Center Island again ha ha !!
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