I don't really understand how metric is "more accurate" than imperial. I have no problem working in decimal inches if that's what the job calls for, and millwrights routinely work down to thou tolerances. Accuracy has nothing to do with the system you're working in.
And "accuracy" is kind of an odd complaint to bring into construction. The tolerances built in most drawings are already taking into account the limitations of human measurements (not to mention variations in site conditions, material conditions, etc), and those errors are going to far exceed the mil here and there that you might gain by working in metric. I've worked on a few heritage buildings myself, and the built condition is generally so wonky that drawings turn into a bit of an interpretive art anyway.
Maybe it's more realistic to say that you have a preference for metric, which is neither more nor less rational than anyone else's preference for imperial?
Which system does the entire rest of the world use, less three pointless holdouts?