Yay:cool: ....going up for approval @ Toronto and East York Community Council on June/25 2019

This application proposes to permit the construction of a 60-storey (281 metre high) office development including an 8 storey podium and 4 levels of underground parking at 30 Bay Street and 60 Harbour Street. The existing heritage building on the property, The Toronto Harbour Commission Building, will be preserved in its entirety and will be connected to the development by a glass atrium at the north side of the building. The tower portion of the proposed office building will cantilever over a small portion of the heritage building at a height of 52 metres.

The proposed development is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2014) and conforms with the A Place to Growth Plan (2019).

This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-law. The proposal is consistent with the relevant policies of the Official Plan. The proposal represents a new Leed Gold office building within the extension of the Financial District to Southcore that is accessible to public transit, improves the public realm and provides for an extension to the PATH system.

And also:

4. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, require the owner to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act as follows:

i. A cash contribution of $850,000.00, prior to the issuance of the above-grade building permit, to be used towards the provision of affordable housing in Ward 13;

ii. A cash contribution of $850,000.00, prior to the issuance of the above-grade building permit, to be used towards capital repairs to existing Toronto Community Housing buildings in Ward 13;

iii. A cash contribution of $6,800,000.00, prior to the issuance of the above-grade building permit, for:

a. Community Services and Facilities within Ward 10, which may include the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal; and/or

b. Local parkland improvements and/or public realm improvements in Ward 10, which may include improvements to the City owned lands north of 30 Bay Street and Lake Shore Boulevard West pedestrian improvements and/or PATH improvements along the Bay Street corridor; and

iv. Provide a public art contribution in accordance with the City of Toronto's Percent for Public Art Program.

And here, from the report, is a description of some of the public realm components:

Public Realm Improvements
As part of the development, the applicant has agreed to eliminate the existing right hand
turn lane on Bay Street, providing for an increased sidewalk width on Bay Street. This
lane is no longer required as its sole purpose is to provide access to the surface parking
lot currently existing on the property.

The applicant is also proposing to provide for improvement to the area at the north of
the site adjacent to Lake Shore Boulevard West and under the Gardiner Expressway
and the Jarvis Street off-ramp from the Gardiner Expressway. The final design of this
area will be determined and secured as part of the Site Plan Approval.
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Indeed... from the planning doc: "The overall height of the proposed office building at 281 metres, with a spire that reaches a maximum height of 305.2 metres"
Could the 281 meters be to the height of the Billboard sign?

Still not a fan of this monolithic beast which will take centre court in the skyline looking north (and likely further obscuring the original core). Be happy to accept it in another location... if there are any mint locations not mined yet. P.S. don't get the "ladder" at all, unless it offers office workers a climb alternative to elevators (bet it will be climbed one day).
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Still not a fan of this monolithic beast which will take centre court in the skyline looking north (and likely further obscuring the original core). Be happy to accept it in another location... if there are any mint locations not mined yet. P.S. don't get the "ladder" at all, unless it offers office workers a climb alternative to elevators (bet it will be climbed one day).
Ugh?..lol, away from 81 Bay this so called monolithic beast will have the most interesting architecture of anything in SouthCore
It will be an iconic column free office tower among-st a sea of average buildings, that alone is a breath of fresh air:cool:....bring it on, .i can"t wait
Haha, you could forget about going to work and watch it live :D ......
Alternatively you could sit and watch paint drying - debates and votes at TEYCC (or Council) are seldom gripping though it is refreshing not to have to listen to deadbeats like Mammoliti and Grimes who tended to be very long-winded and not to have listened to earlier presentations or questions.
