I think it's lovely however will cast some shade on the square during the days depending upon the time of the year naturally.
Planning recommends that Council send staff to oppose this development at the LPAT: https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2018/te/bgrd/backgroundfile-117700.pdf

A second pre-hearing is scheduled for October 10, 2018.

Also, from the report:
An alternative development proposal was submitted to the City on a "Without Prejudice but Not Confidential" (W/O Proposal) basis, was circulated to appropriate agencies and City divisions for comments, and was the focus of a second community meeting. This W/O Proposal is not formally before the LPAT.
Site Plan Approval application filed on December 5: http://app.toronto.ca/DevelopmentAp...4171457&isCofASearch=false&isTlabSearch=false


