They built that 5th floor up pretty quickly. Currently on 6th floor, though there's still that middle part that hasn't been built at all (in the foundation).

So what's everyone's bet on when the foundation will be up (to penthouse level) by? I'm thinking June.
March 2, 2012.



Nice you must've snapped those after I was there around noon. They've made quite a push to get that stuff on there. Here are pics I've taken today. TKE-03rd-MAR-2012
Last edited:
15 March 2012

I took this to try and convey how the streetscape along King East is shaping up.

The brick on the south facade has now been exposed. Looks alright. A 2nd row of windows is up on the Eastern side. I was able to look inside and the interior window frames are indeed white and looks like they will remain white.
I like this area, but Upcountry needs to rise up.:)

There's a lot of crummy lots and open spaces that would be better to develop than UpCountry. Its time will come but I think it's a really nice store and the storefront contributes to the area a lot more than what would replace it would do.
There's a lot of crummy lots and open spaces that would be better to develop than UpCountry. Its time will come but I think it's a really nice store and the storefront contributes to the area a lot more than what would replace it would do.

There really aren't that many lots on King, west of this location (i.e. pre Disterly district)
