


Boomix, thanks for posting up all the pics. I've been lurking this thread for some time now.

Can't wait for this place to be done!
On a more serious note, anyone know when the commercial property tenants will be known? Or is this question more specific to the real estate individual project thread?
A few pages back I posted a link to the commercial broker's promo material for these spaces. Not sure if 42 got to it or not - it may have been shifted to the real-estate thread.

I do know however, that the double storey retail window will be an almost seamless sheet of mullionless glass. Pretty slick, much like the glass in front of the Bulthaup showroom up the street. After seeing Parc lofts which Lambdevcorp just finished, I'm optimistic this will be stunning, too. I've heard that because of it's high-profile location Lamb wants the Kingeast to be exceptional.
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Quite a bit of activity in this thread...LOL

Anyways, I visited Parc. That is one slick ass building. I was also told that an upscale furniture store would occupy the largest retail spot, but you never know with these things. I just hope it isn't one of the following:

bank, convenience store, pizza pizza, subway, timmies or a cleaners.
My hope:

- pub (or nice resto)
- bakery
- independent coffee shop

I just hope there's no crappy franchise...

There are loads of furniture places around this area, and as nice as they are you really shop at them once and that's it. Drop a bunch of money and never set foot in that establishment again. Give me something where I can trickle my money into the business on a weekly basis, like a coffee shop... but I guess having floor to ceiling 2 story windows will dictate a different type of establishment. One can dream...
Am interior/furniture design shop like the Pepin Shop, and an independent cafe/bakery to bring some street life to the corner.
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