It looks like all they'd have to do is replace the planters with something mounted flush to the sidewalk and it wouldn't be so bad. Although if I was going to guess I think those planters are meant to sit flush, and it looks like they've just been propped up temporarily.
Ok, that has to be the stupidest sidewalk design ever. Why would they make the concrete surrounding the trees SO big? It doesn't need to extend out that much. People will literally have to squeeze over to avoid it. Plus, when the retail windows are being washed for example, that'll leave space for one person to walk by, single file.
It's just so weird and clearly not thought out.

The City are, I am told, having them fix the stupid tree-pit covers. Bizarre!
The sidewalks are also extremely narrow at the site of the TCHC building on King just W of Berkeley on the north side, due to the tree pits. I'm all for trees, but in this case there's got to be a more elegant and practical solution to maintaining sidewalk access. I'm assuming that adding new trees is a requirement for new developments?
They should fix them. They look like a real tripping hazard and they are not tall enough to sit on.
The sidewalks are also extremely narrow at the site of the TCHC building on King just W of Berkeley on the north side, due to the tree pits. I'm all for trees, but in this case there's got to be a more elegant and practical solution to maintaining sidewalk access. I'm assuming that adding new trees is a requirement for new developments?

The TCHC tree pits are much better than the crazy Lamb ones - at least the TCHC one slope down to the sidewalk so there is no steep edge and they are far less dangerous. Adding (or replacing) street trees is often part of the site plan.
The sidewalks are also extremely narrow at the site of the TCHC building on King just W of Berkeley on the north side, due to the tree pits. I'm all for trees, but in this case there's got to be a more elegant and practical solution to maintaining sidewalk access. I'm assuming that adding new trees is a requirement for new developments?

The sad thing is how could they not have the foresight to see that this was a dumb idea? Is it the builder that comes up with the design or the city? Then when it's corrected....who foots the bill? The builder or the taxpayers. Such a silly design. They could have come up with something better and more practical.
The sad thing is how could they not have the foresight to see that this was a dumb idea? Is it the builder that comes up with the design or the city? Then when it's corrected....who foots the bill? The builder or the taxpayers. Such a silly design. They could have come up with something better and more practical.
Fixing the sidewalks and making tree pits was something the developer had to do and I assume that as the work was deficient they will pay to correct it. I know the City is (or has) inspected it and the sidewalk clearly does not meet the minimum width rule.
Fixing the sidewalks and making tree pits was something the developer had to do and I assume that as the work was deficient they will pay to correct it. I know the City is (or has) inspected it and the sidewalk clearly does not meet the minimum width rule.

So it's the builder's fault. Color me surprised (sarcasm).
23 August 2013: Why are the sidewalks so narrow here? The tree planters literally create pedestrian "traffic jams." Bad design?

wow, i've never seen anything like that, could be in a buzzfeed/vine thread for like ruthless sidewalks.

If you read the thread, you'll see that it wasn't them.

^ yes but you have to assume that the city approves all streetscape plans. I don't think developers have carte blanche to do whatever they want with city sidewalks.
Someone at city hall had to approve this mess.
^ yes but you have to assume that the city approves all streetscape plans. I don't think developers have carte blanche to do whatever they want with city sidewalks.
Someone at city hall had to approve this mess.
Read a bit more carefully - the City inspected the work and found it was clearly defective.
23 August 2013: Why are the sidewalks so narrow here? The tree planters literally create pedestrian "traffic jams." Bad design?

I'm not a fan of the cheap dark grey paint they used to paint the concrete that meets the sidewalk. Other projects usually use a stone like a granite or they'll grind down the concrete. This just gives a cheap, unfinished look. Lamb missed the mark here when it comes to attention to detail. Disappointing.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about on another project:

The stupid huge (and dangerous) tree-pit covers were removed today (by a contractor). The pits are now open but with orange cones to warn pedestrians. I assume they are going to install covers that fit soon but ....
