Boggy, I seem to remember that it is a neo-gothic design to 'fit in' with the church.



Alternate version


Why not two midrise towers on the coners at the back of the site? That would preserve the view of the steeple against blue sky. If the glazing on the single mid-blcok tower is blue and reflective, it may give an illusion of sky.
Yikes-I find it hard to believe that this would get approval. The second version actually overwhelms the Church even more as it envelopes it- blocking more views.
Don't like this one at all. It's nice to have a break in the increasing densities downtown for these churches and the parklike grounds around them.
The alternate version was just an idea I think. Doubt the city would let them destroy the greenspace in front of the church.
Too bad there isn't a site across the road that would allow for a density transfer similar to the Spire project. That way the setting of the two church grounds could be preserved.

That would be an ideal solution in a perfect would.

In Manhattan density transfers between sites don't even have to be adjoining. They simply have to be in the same district so that there is a relationship between the buildings. This has occured recently with a large tower nearby Grand Central Station.
Too bad there isn't a site across the road that would allow for a density transfer similar to the Spire project. That way the setting of the two church grounds could be preserved.

There's the parking lot south of Now Magazine (N/E corner) and also the Cookes Church lot a block east.
"That way the setting of the two church grounds could be preserved."

the grounds includes a deteriorating but architecturally pleasant administration building but also a chain-linked commercial parking lot
I'm not really in favour of this one. I think the building is likely to be unfortunate, and I like what's there now.



So do I, in an odd sort of way. An eccentric jumble of none-too-bright ecclesiastical offices or whatever, crowding the sidewalk in a "what's it to ya?" manner. Disjointed as a whole, but distinctive.
Yes, it's sort of like a dotty preacher who's always mislaying his specs.
The problem, as with St James/Spire, is they need the money to repair the Church and rectory. Find that and this condo goes away.
I suppose the problem is that nobody goes to church any more, and they aren't central to the social scene. In Britain they're charging admission to the cathedrals and many of them face huge repair bills running into the many millions of Pounds. They fixed a lot of them up in the Victorian era when Christianity was on a bit of an uptick, and the repairs saw them in good stead until the 1960's. Thatcher's government ploughed repair money in during the late 1980's but things have worsened since. At least we don't have an inventory of huge gothic churches to maintain - just mock goths from the last century. But Toronto has plenty of those.
I'm also against this. The increased density would be welcome at this site but losing the current building is too high a price to pay. In fact, I'm surprised that it's even being considered.
