City council approved the project as a "pity vote" to save the Church, facing declining membership and contributions. I hate the process, the destruction of the hall, and even the new building. I might have second thoughts if KPMG were involved, based on their success with Radio City and the historical buildings on Jarvis. But I fear the worst in this case. It's a sad day for the city..
I shot these Nov 1 and sun in the wrong position





Some buildings are worth keeping, and some are not. This one is not. Buildings like this are fairly common, though not enough of a rarity to be landmarks nor so ubiquitous as to form a local vernacular. Also, its two unremarkable stories feel a little too low slung and provincial for a world city that's going from adolescene to adulthood - at least at that central a location.

Some buildings are worth keeping, and some are not. This one is not. Buildings like this are fairly common, though not enough of a rarity to be landmarks nor so ubiquitous as to form a local vernacular. Also, its two unremarkable stories feel a little too low slung and provincial for a world city that's going from adolescene to adulthood - at least at that central a location.

Personally I think it's a lovely building and i think it IS worth saving. There's plenty of lots for this city to "grow up" on. No need to take away a well-made building. It's a shame really.
Man, that's sad. I used to live on Dalhousie just across the street. I was at least picturing it being disassembled stone by stone but seeing it knocked flat like that is really depressing. Very undignified.

I always thought that the church should clean it up and turn it into a daycare/pre-school facility to make some money. They already have one on site with a nice playground but they could have expanded it. All my friends who work in the CBD complain about a lack of daycare spaces.

Oh and there is a mature tree right behind this building that is the nicest tree that I've ever seen in Toronto - although I imagine that at this time of year it's a little barren. If it's being removed as part of this development, I'll be really sad.
See posting #104 above and read the link. The Parish House (the bit still standing) will, apparently, be saved and moved south down Bond Street. Time will tell!
Any idea what is going on with the progress of this development? They destroyed the building in the fall and now it is being used as a parking lot.
Metropolitan United Church?

A few years ago there was a proposal for the site behind the Metropolitan United Church at Shutter & Church St. Whatever happen to it? Still on the boards or dead?
It's probably dead in the form we know, but whose to say it can't pop up sometime down the line.

Oddly enough, it does appear in the Pace rendering we saw the other week:

(left of Pace)
