Photos by forum member Rusty.





Looks like a lot of red faces there... This could have done some serious damage and clearly could have been deadly if it had smashed through the new glass building on the corner just a few metres south. Very lucky it would seem.
Scaled Model

Southwest / Southeast / Northeast / Northwest Elevations
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Yes the victorian building a few meters away was not damaged(It is just to the south of the Korman House). What you can't see in the photo is the huge hole just to the left of the Mac truck. They were attempting to lift the CAT out of the hole. The mistake that was apparently made, was the CATwas passed around the front of the truck were the Mac is most vulnerable. Apparently it should only be passed around the back were the truck is anchored down. What we did not find out was why/how the driver did not know this. They did get the Mac straightened out and they spent the evening under it trying to fix it. After The Ministry of Labour finished there investigation and laying fines, the hydro people got to work. The big window you see in the photo of the "missed" building happens to be the construction workers lunch room! I wonder if the renters in the evacuated building got to return and sleep in there own beds last evening...
One of the ore senior looking workers said he has seen this happen 4 times in his working life so far. How is that possible? We should have put are camera in video mode...Oh well next time!
26 June 2010: I'm not certain what was scarier today--the crazies at Queen and Sherbourne or the crazies destroying cop cars etc as part of the g20 "theatrical show."

Oops, potential view blocking parking lot here:


Future residents, you should be happy to hear the Popeye's smell almost blocks out the urine stench @Queen and Sherbourne! On a negative note--how long before Popeye's etc is pulled for another condo?

I agree with urbandreamer's comment that some sort of high rise building will be development soon to the north of Modern ...

if you look @ Modern's building design, it intentionally left the north elevation as a blank wall, which implies something will likely "butt" up to it in the near future

Northeast / Northwest Elevations
Click to Enlarge
Another condo north of the Modern would be a blessing, since the Popeye's and that building in between are not exactly keepers.
