But there is a revival in musical styles among the young now. I'm speaking of those 25 or under who are listening to music from the 50's-90's and it's great to see, finally after almost twenty years of Rap and Hip Hop I think that the fad is finally over!!

As for the design I think the most interesting feature is the outer structure.... Looks great!
But there is a revival in musical styles among the young now. I'm speaking of those 25 or under who are listening to music from the 50's-90's and it's great to see, finally after almost twenty years of Rap and Hip Hop I think that the fad is finally over!!

Maybe just stick to talking about buildings, mate.
Wong-Tam's absence speaks volumes.

It was not very professional on her part. I voted for her and I have appreciated her work in general, but this a very prominent proposal. She should have been there regardless of her personal feelings.
In fairness, this was just a presentation by the developer. It was as much a PR/marketing event as it was a "public information session" or chance to receive any feedback. (I doubt Mizrahi is factoring comments from the public into the design, but that's another matter.)

KWT could have had civic/public duties scheduled for the same time. She will still receive public feedback by doing her due diligence and attending public consultations / community meetings for the proposal.
KWT could have had civic/public duties scheduled for the same time.

This IS a civic/public event for her ward...and a major one. She should have been there supporting it like the other local community leaders were. Instead of dialling back the foolish rhetoric she so stupidly initiated, she's instead doubling down on it. What a tool.

We are really sending a message out there...try anything bold and you will be shot down. But mediocrity is rubber stamped.
In fairness, this was just a presentation by the developer. It was as much a PR/marketing event as it was a "public information session" or chance to receive any feedback. (I doubt Mizrahi is factoring comments from the public into the design, but that's another matter.)

KWT could have had civic/public duties scheduled for the same time. She will still receive public feedback by doing her due diligence and attending public consultations / community meetings for the proposal.

Exactly. The developer's haven't submitted an application for development yet, so this was merely a PR event, one not required by law. Once this goes through the actual development application and approval process, then yes KWT and the public will be involved like any other application. No reason to think otherwise. So NO this wasn't a civic event and zero requirement on her part to attend. Relax. It's not being built tomorrow.
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In that light, it makes me wonder whether certain UTers would *rather* have these kinds of self-generating-demo "PR/marketing events" in lieu of "community meetings"...
But the main feature is the exoskeleton, which is not an accessory. This alone makes it unique in Toronto, and in rare company globally. My favourite features of the building is what it's missing....balconies and a podium. There's nothing typical about this building, but I'm getting a strange 80's vibe for some reason.


I was talking to a twenty-something the other day. They have never even heard of Fleetwood Mac. That shocked me for some reason and I wondered how deep that problem went. When you realize there's a generation here that is over-stimulated by Kanye West, and has no knowledge of Fleetwood mac, you know the problem might be even worse than you thought.

I feel your pain but my grandpappy probably felt the same about Glenn Miller.
I think it's great that Mizrahi held a public information session when he wasn't obligated to do so... This is such an important intersection so the fact that he did that is very commendable in my books.

This was a civic event; KWT should have been present... it really does show how she feels about this developer and development in general... However, it sounds like Mizrahi didn't make much of an effort to include her from the onset (based on interviews KWT gave back when the demolition of the site was taking place)...

While I'm not a huge fan of Adam Vaughan, I really liked how he handled the Gehry proposal. Heck, his successor Joe Cressie has attended many community information sessions...

Does anyone think Mizrahi will achieve his target dates? They seem REALLY ambitious.

I wonder if this tower will have a sort of spire in the end after it gets reduced in height...
I wish the new building was as cool as that song but it's not. It's a handsome, has some interesting design elements, and {thank god} it isn't blue glass. The thing that drops it from a 10 to an 8 is that after you take off all the neat accessories, it's still a square glass box.

I've never understood this objection. Its tantamount to saying "hey nice pair of shoes, too bad its still basically a leather sack".

When buildings stray too far from their essential purpose which is to contain people and things efficiently, they are still subject to criticism; the ROM being an example.
In that light, it makes me wonder whether certain UTers would *rather* have these kinds of self-generating-demo "PR/marketing events" in lieu of "community meetings"...

More intelligent conversation and better food. Who wouldn't prefer it?????

At least it's more inclusive and equitable than KWT's attempt at poisoning the well and throwing down the gauntlet to news media (yea...KWT has already involved herself plenty).
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^ I have to agree, she has made her position very clear - however, I also think the Yorkville BIA has made itself very clear - they want it.

This is exactly the kind of project that will pull Yorkville in a very positive direction, being too probelematic here may be detrimental to her longevity in this ward.
Hot damn that was a great song.

I may have been raised without computers but we had the best music of all time, I feel sorry for anyone under 30 who doesn't know what truly great music they missed.

I wish the new building was as cool as that song but it's not. It's a handsome, has some interesting design elements, and {thank god} it isn't blue glass. The thing that drops it from a 10 to an 8 is that after you take off all the neat accessories, it's still a square glass box.

It would have been timeless had it been proposed and built in the 1970s!!!! I think you and freshcutgrass should get a room instead of yelling at people to get off your lawn.
In fairness, this was just a presentation by the developer. It was as much a PR/marketing event as it was a "public information session" or chance to receive any feedback. (I doubt Mizrahi is factoring comments from the public into the design, but that's another matter.)

KWT could have had civic/public duties scheduled for the same time. She will still receive public feedback by doing her due diligence and attending public consultations / community meetings for the proposal.

This! The proposal hasn't even come before the community council yet. I think some are confounding their personal love of this project with the due diligence elected officials should rightly follow.

What indication is there that they would do the same here? The City does not have a predetermined "every large application gets trimmed by 30%" policy. Every site is analyzed individually.


Both sides are sharpening their knives in preparation for the coming negotiations. The advanced presentation was a ploy by the developer that went very well in his favour, Wong-Tam's absence and later comments were her attempt to keep the strength in the city's favour. This will be interesting for sure.

I hope Mizrahi stays strong and is able to keep most of the height he is striving for (or more) but for sure the city is going to feel they failed if they don't clip him to some degree. Personally I think he should have started higher so he could end up at 318. As it is now, I think he will be lucky to keep it above 300. And if it's not going to be iconic, would he still be interested in spending $1B or will the cheapening creep in?
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