This might be why KWT did not seem concerned about the height; she might have already been informed that the extra shadowing it would cause on Jesse Ketchum Park over what had already been approved was negligible.

Only thing she seemed concerned was, that it might set a precinct of 1000 foot towers to the area, ... id say don't worry Kristyn, in 20 years "it'll be the norm" in Toronto:)
^ Too true - I remember when Harry Stinson started this boom proposing a then unheard of 40 story tower at Pantages I believe. Look how far we've come.
This was a civic event; KWT should have been present... it really does show how she feels about this developer and development in general... However, it sounds like Mizrahi didn't make much of an effort to include her from the onset (based on interviews KWT gave back when the demolition of the site was taking place)...

And the result of that "didn't make much of an effort" is a vague aura of pro-developer/vested-interest astroturf masquerading as a "community meeting"--though the counter-argument of those in attendance might be that had KWT more of a say, the astroturf might have tilted (as "all too often happens") the opposite silly-NIMBY-protectionist direction, I suppose.

Hey, I'm just on the outside looking in, trying to make sense of the *entire* social context in which such meetings and "public events" occur...
^ I have to agree, she has made her position very clear - however, I also think the Yorkville BIA has made itself very clear - they want it.

This is exactly the kind of project that will pull Yorkville in a very positive direction, being too probelematic here may be detrimental to her longevity in this ward.

That's why the position of protagonist against a non-existant "enemy" she has inadvertently put herself in... is not a very wise move on her part. It would have been rather awkward had she shown up...seeing that even HRH King Stollery himself was there toasting the project. ha ha ha

You're right....the Bloor/Yorkville BIA is very important to her ward (and the city in general). One Bloor East & The One are adding a game-changing 1/4 million square feet of prime Bloor retail space that will expand and propel the district forward. Her premature belligerent behaviour and vindictive sounding threats may be a stance she regrets.
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I joked about this earlier, but cant help thinking it makes sense. Shouldn't Holt Renfrew walk away from the headache of their current location and just decamp to One Bloor West? They have a decent name in the city.
I joked about this earlier, but cant help thinking it makes sense. Shouldn't Holt Renfrew walk away from the headache of their current location and just decamp to One Bloor West? They have a decent name in the city.

Not enough space for a proper flagship. I agree they should move, but it should be to HBC and do it up right to trump their new rivals. Saks blinked and Holts should take advantage of that mistake.
Not enough space for a proper flagship. I agree they should move, but it should be to HBC and do it up right to trump their new rivals. Saks blinked and Holts should take advantage of that mistake.

Saks is HBC. Your idea makes no sense. HBC "blinked" by not refurbishing their own store so they should now sell it to their rival?
From an architect in a position to know: this tower was not designed by Sir Norman Foster. It was designed by Foster + Partners. His firm. He said it shows in the by the book design and little creative license that Foster himself would want to explore but that his team wouldn't be permitted to take.
Mizrahi doesn't yet have the experience or resources to gain the confidence of such a prestigious architect. The location might've gained his attention but the developer has probably kept him skeptical that this is worth his effort. I mean, Foster didn't even bother to be at the unveiling.
This could change if Mizrahi gets financing and approvals after which I would expect the tower to evolve. All said, I would not get my hopes up.
No one is pretending that this is the final design yet. Whatever the completed building looks like, and whoever at the firm has a hand in designing it, it will have Foster's name on it because he will ultimately have to approve it. He won't be standing outside the building at any point declaring "Not mine! Not mine!"

Saks is HBC. Your idea makes no sense. HBC "blinked" by not refurbishing their own store so they should now sell it to their rival?

No...Saks is owned by HBC. And I was under the impression that Brookfiled Properties owns the Hudson's Bay Centre...not HBC. And that Bay has never performed well and company bottom lines trump everything else.

Besides, that bunker is overdo for a complete overhaul, inside and out, and I don't think HBC is all that interested in that kind of investment in what is already a dink store in terms of performance. 300,000 sqft would make for an impressive Holts flagship. And I think they have the pedigree to stretch the Mink Mile east of Yonge.
No...Saks is owned by HBC. And I was under the impression that Brookfiled Properties owns the Hudson's Bay Centre...not HBC. And that Bay has never performed well and company bottom lines trump everything else.

A lease is a lease - you can't make a tenant leave just because you want the space.

And why would HBC surrender the hottest location in town?
A lease is a lease - you can't make a tenant leave just because you want the space.

And why would HBC surrender the hottest location in town?

Cause it's not the hottest location in town...for them. I don't think HBC is up for the inevitable bunker overhaul and long-term investment required, and I think they would take the money and run on a lease buy-out. The new owners seem more interested in selling assets and purging under-performing locations than worrying about hindering the competition.

Brookfield could entice Holts over with some juicy advantages....more space and not having to close the old store until the new one is finished. If I were Brookfield, I would be trying to make this happen. The bunker is an eyesore that can't really wait any longer to redo. Holts is a much bigger feather in their cap than a dink Bay store. And Holts makes waaaay more per square foot than the Bay (or Saks for that matter).

Contrary to what our newby friend wrenkin has to makes a whole lot of sense for everyone involved.
Maybe but their situation only worsens if their competitor gets the space and does well.

That's just doesn't.

If you really think that's what motivates their thinking (which it doesn't), do you really think HBC is better competing with Holts by gambling on what is basically just a large shop-in-store at the Queen Bay location, rather than opening up a larger stand-alone store in proven upscale Bloor St?
