Well, that is as overtly Apple Store as you can get without just coming out and saying it. That's the new Apple Store design with lit ceilings .

This Apple Store would have the most interesting columns.
^reading into it a bit much? It was probably the first car in the "rendercar" file of the company hired to prepare the render, not some deep seated thing where Tim Cook called up Mizrahi and told him to put an i3 in the render to hint about their electric car..
What the heck are people still talking about in that thread? What a waste of time.
Out of sight, out of mind for me as well. Unfortunately, he'll probably vie for the mayor's chair once again in 2.5 years, and it'll be back to the circus for this city.
Interesting to see that if this ends up being an Apple Store (which I'd say given the architects connection to the company the odds are good) whether it will be one of the newer Jony Ive designs with the warmer colouring (which would match the copper/rose columns) and include some trees inside. Your guess is as good as mine, however!
