It's moot because that's not going to happen. It took several years and a board hearing to get to this point and with changes to the Planning Act, one can't just apply to the C of A for more height unless you have the Councillor's support or it's been over two years since the application was approved.

And there's enough insider doubt that Sam will actually be able to build this thing above the retail podium so I'm fairly certain we're at the final design.
Could add them to the smaller portion at the top easy. And it would look better. Doesn’t change much. Just a cost thing. When it comes down to it. Noth8ng much else really stands in the way cause at its current height what’s a few more floors really. Not a shadow issue. Or design. Sorry I dont mean just a cost thing, as that’s a big thing I’m sure. I think... I mean they have the money for it thus far what a few more 00s. That all being said I can’t see them adding floors. Seems to much hassle to get things approved as is. With those people who decide these things.
Doesn’t change much. Just a cost thing. When it comes down to it. Noth8ng much else really stands in the way cause at its current height what’s a few more floors really. Not a shadow issue. Or design.

...except that precisely all of those things are substantial issues as it pertains to the inescapable planning, design, approval, and permitting process.
That's an interesting take. I always saw it as someone giving you their name while their mouth is full of peanuts! Anyway, it won't happen. The die is cast; it's not going to get taller. Like we don't have other buildings coming up that will eclipse this one in height anyway.
I had a client interested in purchasing and I was told by one of the main sales agents (verbally) that the project is 95% sold out, just over a dozen of the higher priced units remain and based on the interest this guy thinks they will be gone by years end.
I had a client interested in purchasing and I was told by one of the main sales agents (verbally) that the project is 95% sold out, just over a dozen of the higher priced units remain and based on the interest this guy thinks they will be gone by years end.

and further evidence, from today's National Post....

"As for the penthouses, there are only four and two have already been sold to local buyers. The three-storey, 6,350-sq.-ft. units starting at $22 million each..."

This is positively ball-tingling news.
Not sure how much we should value the opinion of a member named 'Peterborough Trump Fan' in late 2017...
Be nice now or Santa won’t bring you anything for Christmas! Seriously though. No personal attacking please. Let’s be Friendly. By all means correct my when wrong. Thanks
