As a size reference, I believe the white item just above the bottom right (uncapped) super-column is a port-a-potty. So it's about 9 poop shacks in total area.
I'd like to think this unit of measurement is called a "pubit"
How tall is each mega column? I imagine at least 3 storeys high?

The architectural plans show these steel columns encased in concrete all the way up to the 58th floor.

I'd imagine they are just regular floor to floor heights.
CIBC Square is a steel structure - this is concrete - they will still have to be tied into the poured concrete floor structure.

edit: we'll see soon enough
Plus, I can't spot any conduits or post-tensioning cables, or anything else other than rebar!
You can see a few conduits on Benito's third last photo, still a really small amount though.
I thought I'd take this rainy Saturday morning to provide a summary of the guesses received to date in our little "Meeting The Grade" contest for those following this thread.

The list is in chronological order of estimated date:
Chestercopperpot - Oct 11
Deaf_Torontian - Oct 18
AdamS - Oct 29
Contra - Oct 31
Lyphe - Oct 32 (lol)
Koops65 - Nov 6
Travis3000 - Nov 15
Packers67 - Nov 22
Heatscore - Nov 25
Ottawan - Dec 9

Thanks to everyone who has weighed in to date!
