Thank you Contra. I think that is a good measurement. If you can walk level from either Bloor or Yonge Street curbs to the any part of the street level floor of the building - The One has met grade.
Any contrarian views to this idea?
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Good citizens of Racoon City, I am be honoured, humbled, to be nominated for such a role amongst a capable group of development afficionados. My bat senses tell me that @innsertnamehere's suggestion that the first ground floor slab pour should be the determinant of reaching grade is well reasoned. Should it be necessary to actually arbitrate the date of said accomplishment, I hope to be available. Should I not be, my resourceful young assistant Robin will no doubt be eager to "call it" as you kids say. It's my uderstanding the lad is quite keen himself on seeing this erection pop up out of the ground, I believe that's what I heard him exclaim from behind his laptop one evening, something akin to "Holy megacolumn, this is The One". He's looking forward to his first Appletini, and I believe I may allow our but… I believe I may allow our colleague Mr., uh, Miller to mix him one on this occasion.
I realize this is an ill-conceived tangent that adds nothing to the "at grade" discussions/predictions... but I suggest that an important issue may be over-looked, namely "making the grade".

Given the past volume of naysayers and even occasional mod wise-cracks (no names-42), I suggest the project has already "made the grade" given the 10,000 photos of every piece of rebar laid.

Complete collapse of the construction industry or other negative project specific issues, will render this suggestion useless (which it probably is).

From Clark Construction Management's Linkedin page





A major milestone for CCM, hashtag#TheONEBloorWest project and the entire construction industry today. Pre-manufactured reinforcing for the first of many mega-columns was delivered and set in place this morning. This 45-ton pick is the first of 64 to be installed over the next several months. An exciting step in Canada’s soon to be tallest building!
Way different than what I expected! Pre-rebar encased steel beams - that's efficiency!
What I am curious about is the purpose of the end plates, and how it interfaces with the next section of the column and the floor slab.

Also if they will pour the concrete before or after the next piece is attached. Should be fun to watch.
