Just now.
@Benito coming through with the overhead and the ground level shots as usual!

Does anyone know if the angle super-columns supposed to have concrete surrounding it? I don't think so from what I can tell from the plans, but want to confirm.
Those angled pieces aren't supercolumns. They will end up being clad - but no need for concrete.

The supercolumns are 4 vertical I-shaped columns that are encased in rebar and concrete.
I've just put up a front page story that Jack and I worked on. It should help explain the columns situation for anyone not sure. (There are eight of the super* or mega* columns, BTW.)


* you choose your favourite spin: they're damn big
I've just put up a front page story that Jack and I worked on. It should help explain the columns situation for anyone not sure. (There are eight of the super* or mega* columns, BTW.)


* you choose your favourite spin: they're damn big

Nice article 42 - some people would say you "got it right"
This thing is going to fly up pretty quickly now that this more complex structure is being put in place.

I wonder how soon we’ll see the retail space handed over to Apple to start building their store. While there has been talk about retail opening years in advance of the tower being completed, I can’t see Apple opening at the base of an active construction zone.
